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Meine Heitere Würde

Yuko Sato Ondrejka










Today is Saturday, November 27th. Two days before the first court date on the 29th. My heart was calm and ready. I had a final meeting with a lawyer on Wednesday, and I was a little nervous, but it's okay. I can appear in court with a calm heart. My lawyer is very busy because she is excellent. The court scheduled for October 25 was postponed to November 29 due to the inconvenience of my lawyer. For this court, she is also scheduled for another court, so I will appear with her deputy lawyer. I'm not worried. At the final meeting, I changed the interpreter. I decided that I couldn't take advantage of my boss anymore, so I asked him to introduce another interpreter. Of course, you pay. I decided that I would like to proceed with the process at my own risk. This was made by my dignity. By chance, my ex-colleague took over. Coincidentally, he also has a divorce experience. I also know his ex-wife. I also know that he has survived a difficult time. And he is the best negotiator I know. He is also good at very gentle negotiations. Everything is going well. I just leave myself to fate. Five minutes before the one o’clock meeting in the afternoon, my lawyer sent me a message asking me to delay it by 30 minutes. As expected, it is a country with a divorce rate of 50%. Lawyers may be the busiest profession. I'm meeting with the interpreter in front of the office. I called and decided to go to a nearby coffee shop together. As a result, the last 30 minutes have benefited me to tell him everything and listen to his opinion. Even if something inconvenient happens, I think it's convenient. The trick is to be positive. I can concentrate easily.


I will fight against the man who has a higher level of pride like a mountain with my serene dignity. I decided to go to court with an orange spring dress that I had come to when I first met my husband. Ironically, when I was in the dress, we kissed for the first time. I also wore 8 cm black heels. These are my best fight shoes.


My husband demanded child support for 20% of my annual income. The minimum amount under Czech law is 10%. So, why can't they eat steak every day? I asked a lawyer to come to terms with 15%. 10% is too low for a level of my income. I will have to work more next year. But I will smile and sign the documents. My gentle dignity smiles serenely.


From now on, I will tell you how I took the time to let go of my ego, awaken my serene dignity, and smile.


TOK TOKの登場により、私は住んだことのないミュンヘンの街に住むカラスの冒険について想像力をさまざまな視点からかき立てられた。また、ダニエルがたまにTokTokらしきカラスの写真を送ってくれたり、TokTokについての彼の考えを披露してくれた。他の人の考えやアイデアに触れることは、私の想像力に筋肉をつけ、創造力の融合を促した。これらは私にとっての新しい習慣となった。私は新しいフロンティアを目指すための船に乗ることに飽き飽きしていたので、この新しい習慣はかなり私の気に入った。私は、今まで触ったこともない単なる黒い鳥と、今住んでいる場所と大差のない文化と食べ物に支配されている平凡な只の大きな街のために、かなりの能力と時間を使った。驚いたことに、この過程は千利休の名言に合致した。 「茶の湯とはただ湯をわかし茶を点(た)ててのむばかりなることと知るべし」と親友のインカの右耳にささやいた。『物語を書くとはただ主題を考えてその人生を想像するばかりなること知るべし』と今度は右耳にささやいた。その名言に利休は「心を込めて」という重要な言葉を付け加えている。利休は私が絶望に陥るのを止めてくれた。私は徹底的に彼についていくことにした。

遅かれ早かれ、それは私の夫、娘、そして私の間のモヤモヤとしたものを一掃してくれた。 裁判のことを完全に忘れることはできなかったが、少なくとも固唾を飲むほど緊張はなかった。 子供の頃の癖がこんなところで役に経つとは。私の弱さは既に意思をもち、他人との会話を通して自分と他人との関係を探求することを楽しみ始めた。 私が知っている限りでは、私の脆弱性は、寛大な率直さと、私の虚栄心を満足させる可能性のある役に立たない、非難すべき不信との違いを発見していた。誇りと偏見の台詞が頭に浮かんだ。


The advent of TOK TOK fired my imagination with multiple rich perspectives on an adventure in the city of Munich, where I’ve never lived. Also, Daniel sent a picture and gave me his idea about Tok Tok. Touching thoughts and ideas of others built muscles in my imagination and was a fusion of creativity. All these are a new custom to me who has given up the ship to deliberate on a new frontier as a woman who was oversaturated with experiences. Thanks to Tok Tok and my vulnerability, plus Daniel, I revealed an exponential depth of human experience. Therefore, I dedicated my considerable abilities and time I use my considerable abilities and time for a mere blackbird which I’ve never touched and a mundane city that has a similar culture and food as the place I live now. Surprisingly this process suits the line of Sen no Rikyu. "You should know that a tea ceremony is just a matter of boiling hot water and making a cup of tea," I whispered to my best friend, Inca. I should know that creating a story is just a matter of thinking about a subject and imagining its life. Rikyu added an important word, which is “wholeheartedly”. He stopped me from falling into despair, so I would follow him thoroughly.

Sooner or later, it cleared the air between my husband, daughter and me. I could all but forget about the trial, but at least I didn’t hold my breath. This habit of childhood is the apple of my eye all along. My weakness already has the intention to explore my relationships among others in the act of conversations. For all I know, my vulnerability discovers the difference between generous candour and useless or blameable mistrust which could gratify my vanity. The line of the Pride of Prejudice came to mind.

"Pride," observed Mary, who piqued herself upon the solidity of her reflections, "is a very common failing, I believe. By all that I have ever read, I am convinced that it is very common indeed; that human nature is particularly prone to it, and that there are very few of us who do not cherish a feeling of self-complacency on the score of some quality or other, real or imaginary. Vanity and pride are different things, though the words are often used synonymously. A person may be proud without being vain. Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves, vanity to what we would have others think of us."

さすが、メアリー。そして、これらを区別するという感覚は、私が新しい人生を歩むために不可欠なものだった。真実を探求するという私の欲求を刺激するために。直感で、この感覚が地面に足をつけるのに役立つと感じた。 一週間はそんな感じで過ぎた。また、ダニエルとの会話の時のように暴走すると困るので、一応手をつないでいる。娘が小さい時の日々を思い出した。一週間後、私の弱さがたじろいて、殻の中に戻る出来事が起こった。

What a clever woman is Mary! This sense of distinction might be indispensable to turn over a new leaf and whet my appetite for the truth. I felt in my beans that it would help me to step on the ground. A week had passed. In case my weakness ran out of control like when I was talking to Daniel, I was holding hands with it for the time being. It reminded me of the days when my daughter was small. A week later, an incident would shock my weakness so that it returned back to its shell.


金曜日だった。 10月の初日、午後の散歩から犬のインカと一緒に戻ると、メールボックスにメールが入っているのに気づいた。弁護士からの返事を数日待っていたので、すぐに開けた。それは晴天の霹靂だった。それは私がほとんど話したことのない私の元夫の叔母からのものだった。彼女がどうしてこのメールアドレスを知っているのかと最初に疑問に思った。しかも、元夫にもつい最近、icloud.comのこのメールアドレスを教えた。彼の叔母は彼の助けなしには知ることができない。開いてグーグル翻訳で読んだ。彼女は私を脅していた。あまりの内容に、持っていたインカの首輪と紐を床に落としてしまった。それは予想外にガタという音を立てたので、インカは飛び上がって寝室に逃げ、私の弱さは一目散に殻に飛び込んだ。あっという間に私はひとりぼっちになった。そうは言っても、その調停人との面接の日から、私は技術的にも肉体的にも一人であったが、しみじみと1人を噛み締めた。辞書を使ってチェコ語の原文をもう一度読んでみた。彼女は私を侮辱していることに間違いはなかった。しかも、内容には誤りがあった。別居以来ずっと恐怖を感じていた私の態度とは裏腹に、私の感情は中立を保ち、私の思考は用意していた。

It was Friday. On the first day of October, when I returned from the afternoon walk with my dog Inca, I noticed an email in the mailbox. On account of awaiting a reply from my lawyer for a few days, I opened it immediately. It was out of the blue. It was from my ex-husband's aunt whom I had hardly ever spoken with. I first wondered why she knew this email address. I recently gave my ex-husband this email address on His aunt couldn't know without his help. I opened it and read it with Google Translate. She’s threatening me. Too much content, I dropped Inca’s collar and leash I had on the floor. It clattered unexpectedly, Inca jumped up and fled to the bedroom and my weakness dived into the shell. In a flash, I was alone. Having said that, I had been technically and physically alone since the day of the interview with that mediator, but it hadn’t hit home until now. I read the original Czech text again using a dictionary. There was no doubt that it was insulting and threatening me. Moreover, it was false in the content. Unlike my attitude all along since our separation, my emotion was neutral and my thought was set in ready.

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佐藤友子さん、こんにちは。来週、お墓からあなたの両親の遺灰を取り出します!そちらで、ホムトフ墓地で、両親の壷を納骨する場所を見つけてください。骨壷をお墓から採り出したら、連絡します。骨壷をどこで手渡すかについて決めましょう。なぜ私があなたの両親の壷を私の墓に入れたくないのか疑問に思っているかもしれません、教えてあげます!私の甥があなたに彼の母親のためにお金を求めていると言って、あなたは市の職員に嘘をつくべきではありませんでした。彼は決してそんなことをしません!!彼の母-私の妹は彼女にはお金があるし、そして彼女にはお金も持っている夫がいて、彼女の息子やあなたからお金を受け取ることは決してありません!!!一度もない!!!決して!!!私の知る限り、あなたはまだ私の妹に2x 2,700、つまり5,400CZKをあなたの父親のための薬代として借りています。これ以上続けたくありません!!!恥を知れ !!あなたの存在が私の家族全員を恥ずかしめているので、私は長い間あなたのことを恥じています!そして、これらの理由から、私はあなたが、もはや、ここに属していない。私の家族のために私のお金で買った私たちの墓であなたの両親の骨壷を収めていくことができません!

Hello Mrs Yuko Sato, I hereby inform you that I will have your urns-ashes removed from my grave next week! Find a place for these urns, for example in the cemetery in Chomutov. As soon as the urns are removed, I will let you know and we can agree on where I will hand over the urns to you !! You're probably wondering why I no longer want your urns in my grave, I'll tell you! You should never have lied in the office to the officer saying that my nephew is asking you for money for his mother. He would never do that !! His mother-my sister has her money and she has a husband who also has money and would never take any money from her son or you !!! NEVER!!! NEVER for your needs !!! As far as I know, you still owe my sister 2x 2,700, i.e. 5,400, for medication for your father. I'm not even continuing !!! Shame on you !! I have been ashamed of you for a long time because you are embarrassing my whole family !! And for these reasons, I can no longer suffer your urns in MY grave, which I bought with my money for my family to which you no longer belong for me !!




  • 両親の遺骨のことは、別居を始める前に主人に取り出すようにお願いしていたが、その後全く連絡がなかった。

  • 義理の母には月8000czkを渡しチェコ料理を作ってもらっていた。主人に取りに行ってもらっていた。初め、5000CZKで頼んだが、8000CZKに上げてくれと頼まれた。

  • 父の薬代については初耳だった。しかも一年以上も前のことだ。銀行振込で支払うつもりだ。






The living room was already dark. I thought a little while I was looking at the screen of my laptop. At that time, indignation that was an unknown quantity moved deep inside. The place may be very deep through the stomach and it turned on the switch inside my body. Something that awoke deep inside my stomach instructed me on why I had to write it in a clerical and polite manner, without feeling emotional. My hand moved smoothly and I forwarded this email to my lawyer with Re: Blackmail in a short and sweet subject. 


  • Regarding my parents’ ashes, I asked my husband to take them out before we started a separation. Since then, I haven't received any news.

  • I gave my mother-in-law 8000czk a month to cook Czech food for my husband and daughter. Because they like it and I don’t cook Czech food at home. I initially asked for her at 5000czk but I was asked to raise it to 8000czk later.

  • It was the first time for me to hear about my father's medical bills. Moreover, it was more than a year ago. I will pay them anyway by bank transfer.


I got a reply from her. She wrote that it is not blackmailing and she instructed me to move my parents' grave to Chomutov and inform his aunt when I could receive their ashes. I wrote an email in short and spicy language. I sent a draft to my lawyer first. Just in case, I also sent it to my sister Bara to ask for her opinion. Unlike when I was controlled by my weakness, now I was in a different state, more obedient to this feeling at the bottom of my stomach. I got a reply from both parties. Since it was the same content, I sent it to his aunt. My lawyer offered help to replace the ashes in the grave in Chomutov where I live. She was kind. Bara wrote that it was irrelevant because of human nature and that's what divorce is all about. 


I went to the kitchen and brewed coffee. It's already 8 pm. Unless I sleep, I do yoga in the middle of the night, where I can immerse myself in a fantastic mood under the light of candles. With that in mind, I could not help but be a puppet. Something at the bottom of my stomach, where the three base chakras lie, pierced directly above my head and pulled me. I felt as if there were strings along my spine. Whereas, my weakness remained in the shell.


土曜日と日曜日は、私がイギリスのサマセット郡にあるグラストンベリー・トーと呼ぶチェコの丘にインカと一緒に行き、瞑想し、丘の上を裸足で歩き回った。 その後、一週間分の料理を作り、部屋を掃除し、ヨガをした。 穏やかな心の状態で平凡な日々を過ごした。 主人の叔母からの侮辱を心に留めていないのは確かだった。 3日後の月曜日、朝5時に私は叔母の妹である義母にメールを書こうとしていた。 私の中の何かが、仕事に行く前に書かねばと決心していた。 バイオリンを弾き始める直前の深呼吸のような深い息を吸った途端、ロイヤルクレセントの前にある緑豊かな公園が目の前に広がった。 私が住んでいたイギリスのバース市にある三日月形の壮大なジョージア朝の様式の30棟のテラスハウスを見ていると、ジェーン・オースティンによる高慢と偏見の台詞が頭に浮かんだ。

On Saturday and Sunday, I went to the hill, which I call Glastonbury Tor which is the hill in the English county of Somerset, with Inca and meditated and walked around tour barefoot on the top of the hill. After that, I cooked a week's worth of food, cleaned up the flat, and did yoga. I passed just normal days in a moderate state of mind. It proved that I didn’t take that blackmailing to heart. Three days later, on Monday, I was about to write an email to my mother-in-law who is a younger sister of his aunt at 5 o’clock in the morning. My grey matter inside me was too determined to write it before I went to work. When I breathed deeply like just before starting to play the violin, there was a green park before the Royal Crescent, stretching in front of me. While looking at the magnificent Georgian style of 30 terraced houses laid out in a sweeping crescent in the city of Bath, England, where I used to live, the line in the Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen popped up in my head. 





“There is a stubbornness about me that never can bear to be frightened at the will of others. My courage always rises at every attempt to intimidate me,” said Elizabeth Bennet to protect either her ego or pride against Mr Darcy. Now in front of me, she was wearing a black chic silk dress which has neither frills nor decorations, and its novel cutting on the breast line is snuggling up to her strong mind. Large white lilies bloomed on its hem, and the soft silk fabric added a gentle natural swell. There I read this book on my yoga mat on the grass in the summer and I repeated this line many times, just in case I was insulted by unreasoning hatred I would use these. Now I sounded out each sentence while I overlooked the Royal Crescent.


“There is a stubbornness about me because I was born in the Chinese year of the bull. I can take the bull by the horns. I can bear to be frightened at the will of others who are driven by unreasoning prejudice and hatred. I must protect my pride which I merely sensed in the last meeting and it stopped me from falling into the bottomless despair with a hand of Sen no Rikyu. Because he has governed the culture of our country by the virtue of a cup of tea, where I was born and raised. A cup of tea gave me another hand by pulling me out of the depressed somnambulant life in fear. There I was raised by a mother who believed that independent women were based on the wisdom from education and good quality of books, art and music, not cleaning floors for unkind selfish husbands without a job. I have valued my abilities.” I voiced all. After hearing these sentences back through my ears, a simple question hung over them. Then, what on earth, why do I face humiliation now? 





In a polite manner, I wrote honestly to my mother-in-law about this unreasonable email from her sister, stating my respect and unchanging love for her. I continued to tell the truth. It is clear that information was leaking from where it should not be leaked, and the information is not accurate. It was the first time since I was born that I had received an email that contained such terribly hurtful content with abusive language, which I couldn’t make head nor tail of. I have been married for 12 years and loved your son and granddaughter and worked hard for them to take them under my supportive wings. There was no reason for her sister to make light of my self-esteem and being a cause of shame for your family for a long time. 


I pressed the submit button. It was 6 am. I brewed coffee and drank it. I stared into Inca's eyes, stroked her head, and tickled her ears. I silently stared into the air. I was sitting on the grass field in Bath. There was a quote from Jane Austen who wrote the beautiful book called Pride and Prejudice, "A lady's imagination is very rapid; it jumps from admiration to love, from love to matrimony in a moment." Yes, I nodded. That is why I faced this humiliation. I was too romantic to wait for whether or not it metamorphosed into true love. And my romance with my ex-husband didn’t, so I decided to divorce before I lost my pride and dignity. I felt really good. From now on, I may have to walk the bumpy road for several months or years: my daughter whom I love very much disliked me, and I was alone. I looked up the meaning of shame in a dictionary. It is a habit of those who use language as a professional tool. My respectful glorious Cambridge dictionary said that shame is an uncomfortable feeling of guilt or of being ashamed because of your own or someone else's bad behaviour. For my ex-husband and his family, my bad behaviour is either divorce or telling the truth. I had no choice but to leave.



At that time, Sen no Rikyu appeared in front of me. This time I was waiting for him. In the scent of coffee, the crisp and well-tailored kimono imbued with Wabi-sabi created a mysteriously contemporary essence in the novel country which lay in the wrinkle in time and space while time travelling. With so much presence, I instinctively sat down on the floor in a proper manner called Seiza and the strength from my bottom of base chakras pulled up my spine completely straight, which I’ve never experienced. I was reborn. He quietly sat before me. I held my breath. It was of nail-biting intensity. I noticed a dagger on the inside of the breast of the kimono. I didn't have it the last time I saw him. I seriously thought that I might be sentenced to Harakiri. The reason was that I have brought shame. The daughter of a samurai family was so ignorant to rapidly get married with only romance without thinking of his virtue, which had caused a poor return for my kindness, made light of my grace so that I forgot my pride and had been based on sentiments alone. I gritted my teeth and I stared into his eyes quietly and unemotionally.


彼はゆっくりと口を開いた。「頭を下げて守れるものもあれば、頭を下げる故に守れないものもある」私は素早くしっかりと正座をただし、背筋を伸ばした。私の腹のそこから湧き出て頭の真ん中を突き抜けた何かがそうさせた。はい、存じております。この声は私の声ではない。しっかりとした、凛とした響きがある。すこし、瞑想の師、サチの声を彷彿させた。そして、私は、昔観た乱という映画にでてくる武士のように深々と頭を下げた。子供の時習っていた茶道の茶会の席で教えられたお辞儀とにているが、こんなに謙虚に深々としたのは生まれて初めてだった。なぜかBGMにFrankのViolin Sonata in A major が流れている。悲しげなバイオリンの旋律は私の心の琴線に触れる。私は耐えられなくなり目を閉じる。千利休は続けた。『準備が整いました。あなたの体のなかに走る一筋のもの、今あなたが感じているものの存在を尊厳と呼びます。それをあなたの誇りで、穏やかに奏でることができるよう丹念しなさい。「茶の湯とはただ湯をわかし茶を点(た)ててのむばかりなることと知るべし」つまり、『あなたの新しい人生とはただ尊厳を誇りで奏でるばかりなることと知るべし』である。そして、これは氷山の一角であることを肝に命じなさい。




He slowly opened his mouth. "Some of them can be protected by lowering their heads, while others cannot be protected by lowering their heads." I quickly corrected my sitting posture upright firmly. Something sprang up from there in the bottom of my lower belly and pierced the middle of my head. It made me so. "Yes, I know." I respectfully replied. This voice is not my voice. There is a solid, dignified sound. It was a little reminiscent of the voice of Sachi, my meditation teacher. And I bowed deeply like a samurai in the movie called Ran I saw in the past. It is said that I bowed at the tea ceremony where I learnt when I was a young adult, but it was the first time to be in such a humble manner. For some reason, Frank's Violin Sonata in A major was playing in the background music. The sad violin tune touched my chords. I was so overwhelmed that I closed my eyes. Sen no Rikyu continued. “You are ready now. The existence of the one that goes through your body along your spine, the one that you are feeling now, is called dignity. Practice playing your dignity with your pride serenely. Same as in the tea ceremony, you should know that the tea ceremony is just a matter of drinking hot water and making tea. In your new life, you should know that life is just a matter of playing with dignity by pride in an appropriate serene manner. Be aware that it is the tip of the iceberg.“ 


Only the beautiful violin tone echoed in my ears. The most nostalgic sound I played every day when I was small. This sound healed my senses of alienation and loneliness. The instrument called the violin has a small forest in itself. It brings the sound and vibration of the earth to where human beings live and stir their bosoms.  A string made of metal is rubbed with a bow made of a horse's tail and vibrated to make a sound. The scale is governed by golden patterns of mathematics discovered by the Pythagoreans. It linked the sound of beautiful music to the length of a vibrating string and my fingers obeyed it unconditionally to learn perfect relationships and ratios of two to one and so on. If I learn these neat fractions, I can play present tunes in harmony, even elegantly. Moreover, rub amber on the tail of the horse before playing. That is the colour of romance, the colour of tea. Now everything was carried on the violin tune with Frank’s violin sonata in A major to the beginning of my novel life, which is a window into our mother nature’s world. Now I must wobble my dignity. But how? 


私の尊厳を誇りでもって奏でるとは、いったいどういうことなのだろうか?大層なことだ。私の誇りは超高感度センサーでやっと認識される状態で、まだ完全に復元されていない。それに弓がなくては奏でられない。弓相当なもので私の誇りが宿るものが必要だ。発見するか、それとも 発明するか。そもそも、この世に存在するのだろうか?と同時に、この過程を既に楽しんでいる私自身に気づいた。なぜなら、この過程は写真撮影のそれとそっくりだからだ。特に、個展のテーマだった女性の夢を写真で実現化する過程にとてもよく似ていた。私にできるかもしれない。私は私の尊厳に向かって微笑んだ。私の尊厳は何も答えない。とはいえ、オラクルカードの課題もまだ、終わっていない。忙しくなる。忙しいほうがいい、孤独を忘れられるから。作るには、馬のしっぽが必要だ。






まず、乱について話をしよう。乱の筋書きは、私の大好きなウィリアムシェイクスピアのリア王に由来している。意図的になされたイギリス文学の悲劇を日本の歴史的な武士の時代の悲劇に置き換えるという挑戦的な解釈に、私は興味を惹かれた。特に、私はリア王の三女コーデリアがとても好きだった。子供のころから彼女と友達になりたいと思っていた。両親を日本からチェコ共和国に引き取り、covid-19が世界を襲った後の2年間私は1人で両親を介護をした。私の力が衰える寸前だったとき、私は想像上の親友コーデリアに少なからずたくさんの助言を求めた。 私が直面している困難と同じ程度の経験をした人を見つけることができなかったので。もちろん、この行為が、正気沙汰ではないことを十分承知だ。 私の苦しみを理解できるのは彼女だけだと心底思った。 彼女はいつも笑顔でなにも言わずに私を応援してくれた。リア王の台詞のように。「何も、私の主よ」彼女は間違いなく私の親友の一人だった。





What does it mean by playing my dignity with my pride? It seems like a big deal because my pride has just been recognised by a super-sensitive sensor so it hadn’t been restored. I can't play my dignity without a bow. I need something like a bow in which my pride lives. Do I discover it or invent it? Does it exist in this world in the first place? At the same time, I find myself already enjoying this process. Because this process is just like that of photography. In particular, it was very similar to expressing women’s dreams that were the theme of the solo exhibition. I might be able to do it. I smiled to my dignity. She kept silent. However, the challenges of the oracle card have not yet been achieved. I will get busy. I should be busy because I can forget about loneliness. OK, now I need horse's tails to make it.


The horsetail rang my bell; the night of my mother's death, my father told me about horses. He, who was born and raised in a samurai residence in Tohoku, played with adults or horses in the stable. He was a golden boy for his grandmother. I'd heard this secret from my aunt, who is my father's sister. Every day he had a fish with its head and tail still on, whereas, others including my aunt have only some slices of fish. My great grandmother’s name was Kin Sato, which means ”Gold in Wisteria flowers on the left”. This gold in wisteria loved my father like the apple of her eyes. However, she had a strong fighting instinct like a real man. During WWII, she kept all the money in her house under the mattress and slept with her family’s sword, because her husband was a diplomat working in Tokyo. My father told me that she was strong and proud of being a samurai and she was a master of Naginata, a pole sword. I pondered about my great-grandmother. For her, teaching me the pride of the samurai was a piece of cake. What did she look like? Do I resemble her? I was dying to see her now.


I grew up surrounded by Western culture. Samurai were people who appeared in Japanese history textbooks. They were included in the kind of people who were monotonous and dull on account of speaking less and moving slowly except in fighting scenes. When I was small, I was banned from watching TV, so I didn’t watch historical period dramas called Jidaigeki nor taiga dramas, which were broadcast by NHK every Saturday night. So making allowances for my situations, if I imagine samurai spirit right now, no matter how hard I try, the information that comes to mind is either Ran which is an epic action drama film directed, edited and co-written by Akira Kurosawa, or the anime Samurai Champloo which is a Japanese anime television series produced by director Shinichirō Watanabe.


Firstly, Ran’s plot derives from William Shakespeare's King Lear which is my cup of tea, so that this historical samurai period tragedy appealed to me at least, I could watch through the end. Especially, I like King Lear’s third daughter, Cordelia very much. Since my childhood, I wanted to become a friend of hers. When I took my parents from Japan to the Czech Republic and took care of them for two years after the covid-19 attack, I asked Cordelia for advice not only a few but plenty when my strength was on the verge of giving way. I knew it is not the action of a sane person, because I couldn’t find anybody who had the same experience as I faced. I thought she was the only one who could understand my suffering. She always smiled and cheered me on without any words, such as "Nothing, my Lord" in the line of King Lear. She is definitely one of my best friends.


On the contrary, in Ran, the director Kurosawa set my favourite Cordelia as the third son of an ageing Sengoku-period warlord. Its innovative idea invigorated me so much. If Cordelia were my ideal best friend, this third son called Saburo could have become my ideal man. It was deliberately provocative to me. I also admire director Kurosawa for his genius to use the silent picture as a punch in the movie.


Secondly, the Samurai Champloo has great speed in the fighting scene in which I can notice easily an influence of breakdance or Capoeira. Two series of 26 stories seem a department store which specialises in villains and devils of human nature. It doesn't make me bored at all. BGM created Nujabes is simply awesome. I know Shibuya, where he had his den and back yard, it was also my playground. So I was filled with an affinity for his music. It was invigorating me. Thanks to these two creations, I could snugly fit the samurai mould first time in my life and I hope that the samurai could tightly fit my mould. While thinking of each of the characters in those fertile sources of information, I started inflating my creativity with my great-grandmother. 


ああ、BGMはバイオリンの曲からNujabes、Luv(sic)part3に変わった。音は瞬時に重力を失い、急上昇した。まるで、有機質な音から無機質のそれへの瞬間移動をしたように。歌詞が流れる。『あなたの人生を完璧にするために、あなたの人生にサウンドトラックを追加しよう』と。 「そうね、そうするわ」自然と私は立ち上がり、私の腰は、ほのかな密度のファンキーな残り香が漂うまろやかな2ビートに乗せられ、振り子のように左右に揺れる。私の体はこの曲の歌詞がいうとおりの魔法にかかったようだ。今この瞬間、私の人生は完璧なの。歌詞はお行儀のいいラップのビートで、こう続ける。一口飲めば、すべてが性的に色付くから。 "ふーん、そうかもね" そう言った途端、千利休の姿はもうそこにはなかった。私の体はNujabesが作り出した音楽に共感しながら、部屋の中を踊りながら歩き、台所の窓に到達した。音楽がそういう通りに「夜のビートになれば、音楽と一夜を共にできる」。途中の入り口で、黒いハイヒールを履く。私の住む小さな街には夜のビートは存在しない。でも、今私のヒールがビートを刻み、私はビートになった。すばらしかった。 「歩き続ければ、どこにいても遠くまで行ける」というラップが続く。








Oh, BGM had changed to Nujabes, Luv(sic) part3 from the tune of the violin. The sound had lost gravity and been set to soar, like the moment of transition from organic to inorganic. The lyrics said that add a soundtrack to your life and perfect it. ”Yes, I will.” Naturally, I stand up, my hips sway on his mellow two beats in the subtle density of funky atmospheric and swing from side to side like a pendulum. This magical influence on my body is exactly the same as the lyrics of this tune. They beat the rap that brings along a sip to make it all so sexual. ”Well, I might” Once I said this, Sen no Rikyu was no longer there. My body sympathizes with the music created by Nujabes, walked and danced through the room to the kitchen window. Because the music said so, “making love to the music means vibing to the beat at night.” At the entrance on the way, I put on black high heels. Beating the rap that “keeps walking and we can get far wherever you are.” That’s right! I will keep walking in my favourite shoes and I can get far from my ex.


Nujabes' music is a neutral pocket in the gap between discomfort and comfort. It scraped off excess by-products with heavy weights from human nature which is based on Jazz and Funk music. Exclusively, the smoothness and precision of this tune are reminiscent of a wooden image of the Bodhisattva Maitreya which is called Miroku Bosatsu in Japanese. It is a future Buddha of this world in Buddhism. Both have a delicacy of a facet of rough, tough concepts and precision by professional people, a sculptor and a musician who are a magician to transform a single dimension into multiple one. In this music, only well-educated cymbals like well-bred people existed and were tapped to beat. In my daydreaming state, the battle scene of Samurai Champloo was on the air. My ideal samurai is fighting against my ex-husband and his aunt with me. I’ve never used a sword, so I use Capoeira kicks against them. 


I felt so relieved. Suddenly, Elizabeth from the Pride and Prejudice swung her hips gracefully with me and spoke for me, “They were people who have often disdained the generous candour of my sister, and gratified my vanity in useless or blameable mistrust! How humiliating is this discovery! Yet, how just a humiliation!” I continued that “It gets into people's hearts with their feet. Their behaviour had already revealed their upbringing. That’s it. I’ve done! I’ve moved on. I have a great mission to play dignity with my pride serenely. I wanted to get divorced quickly and start a new life. Nobody will make me feel blue, and nothing will pull my back hair either.“ I beat my first rap with her. She said, “To be fond of dancing was a certain step towards falling in love.” So two attractive women were acting in a proper court manner of falling in love with Nujabes. What a lucky man! 


Once I thought that it was perfect, Elizabeth transformed into another character named Sara from Samurai Champloo. She is also a master of martial arts, but she is not an anime character, I meant she isn’t two dimensional. Oh my god, my reliable partner, instinct told me that she might be my great-grandmother when she was young. As soon as her figure came to my mind, music was gone. I was sitting upright on the wooden floor at the side of the drawing-room of the samurai residence. 

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一瞬で全身に緊張が走った。その後ろでは、鮮やかな錦を意味する錦鯉が穏やかに泳いでいた。曾祖母の金殿だ。本能的に、彼女が私の肉親であることが分かった。私の尊厳がすぐに私のおでこを床につけた。痛い。侍の世界にはいつも痛みが伴う。私の尊厳は許可がでるまで、頭をあげることは許されないと私に指示を送った。『表をあげなさい』と言った。凛とした声だ。応接室だけでなく、私の背後にある日本庭園にも響き渡った。私の尊厳は完全に私を操っていた。私はこれ以上伸ばせない程まっすぐ背筋を伸ばされた。ヨガの練習のおかげで今のような柔軟さが身についていなければ、背骨を折っていたかもしれない。つまり私は準備ができているといることだ。ひそかに自分のことを誇りに思っていると、私の尊厳が皮肉たっぷりに笑った。 「あなたってとても親切ね」と私は彼女に言った。


今度は私が彼女を穏やかに見つめる番だった。私たちはお互いを念入りに調べあった。彼女の大きな目はすべてを見通せるかのようだった。私の感情、私の経験、そして私の失敗。 私たちは見つめあった。彼女の大きな目はすべてを見透かしているようだった。私の感情、私の経験、私の失敗、そして私が今置かれている立場。 「あなたは恒雄の娘ですね。恒雄の最後を世話してくれてありがとう。全て、彼から聞きました」と言った。彼女の言葉は私の琴線に触れ、私は涙が流れでるのを必死にこらえた。私の弱さが殻の中で熟睡していたので、助かった。ダニエルの前でみせたような醜態を曽祖母の前で見せることはできない。私の弱さの代わりに、私の隣では私の親友、コーデリアが私に微笑んでいた。「友子さん、あなたは子供のころから、かなりのじゃじゃ馬だったそうですね。あなたの守護神は私達の曾祖父佐藤丹三殿です。あなたは、人生の中でかなり危ない橋を渡ってきましたね。まあ、武家の娘ならそのくらいの方がいいでしょう。あなたなら、使命を完了できると信じております」と言った。それから彼女は日本丹頂鶴のような優雅な動きで腕を胸の懐にいれ、短刀を掴み、彼女の膝の前に置いた。一連の動きは娘が習っていた空手の型の動きを連想させ、私は唯々彼女に見とれていた。「これをあなたに差し上げます。武家出身のおなごはいざというときに、これで自分の身を守らなければなりません」と言って、彼女はその短刀を私の方へゆっくりと美しい作法で差し出した。


「あなたの尊厳をあなたの誇りで奏でる方法で、尊厳というものを理解することができます。尊厳と誇りを丁度よい按排にしなくてはなりません。そうすれば、真の力さを生み出すことができます。よいですか。あなたの強さには万物を創造し、万人に力を与え、そして、世界を破壊する力があることを理解する必要があることを学びなさい」と彼女は続けた。この言い回しにはピンとくるものがあった。どこかで聞いたことがある。そうだ、チェコのグラストンベリー・トーの丘で、私は魔女の声を聞いた時だ。彼女は沈黙術こそ、他人との境界を作るための最も平和的な方法だと言った。私の言葉には万物を創造し、万人に力を与え、そして、世界を破壊する力があることを理解する必要があることを学びなさいと耳元で囁いた。そして、沈黙術と共に言霊を使いなさいと続けた。私は、自分の考えを言葉にしたとたん、その言葉に命を吹き込むことになるという信念だと思った。そうか、私の強さにつしても同じなんだ。今回で2回目である、もちろん私は的確に理解した。 あの魔女の声が私の曾祖母の声だったのではないかという推測的な仮説が頭に浮かんだ。 あなどれない曽祖母だ。 彼女はかなりの策士かもしれない。



あなたの尊厳と誇りを含むあなたの体のすべての細胞が目覚めるでしょう。 しかし、その前に、あなたは自分を浄化し、輝かせ、老廃物と毒性を燃やされなければなりません、その後、あなたのもとに新しい発想が舞い降り、目の前に広がるあなたの新しい人生はその新しい発想の影響力に帰することを理解するでしょう。そして、あなたはあなたの新しい人生を侍の忍耐力と共に歩みなさい。侍としての忍耐力は、闇と恥るという行為を手放した時に、初めて表に出てくるのです。私たちの忍耐力は、龍の暗い子宮の中で落ち着き、力を補充し、そうすることで、我々の身体と魂の活気に満ちた液体となるのです。



しかし、あなたの輝きは太陽の持つそれとかなり一致し、あなたは生きる活力をもっています。侍として生まれたものは、毎日起床すると共に成長することに喜びを見出し、暖かさに感謝し、暗雲を吹き飛ばし、密接になりがちな他人との距離を賢く取りながら、その関係の中に美しい季節の変化を吹き込むことができる人々です。茶の湯もその一つに過ぎません。侍は強靭な力を持ちます。時に人から離れ、しばし暗闇や涼しさの中に身を置くことは、私たちが存在するために不可欠なものです。私たちは不動状態にあるものを一掃し、氷を溶かし、人々の涙を乾かすという境地に達しなければなりません。そうするために、最初に、私たちの輝きで、溢れるまで私たちの暗闇を照らします。そうして初めて、あなたは他の誰かの憂鬱な心を温める準備ができます。あなたは喜びで他の人を助けなければなりません。あなたの新たな心の夜明けが自然と他人が感謝と畏敬の念をあなたに抱かせるまで、つまり、あなたを少し恋しく思わせるまで、歩き続けながら待つ必要があります。これをしなかったことがあなたの結婚の失敗とそれがあなたに屈辱を与えた根本的な原因です。あなたは、いつも先を急いで与えすぎたのです。 回り道に意義を見い出し、楽しみなさい。「一刀三礼」という成語をご存知ですか?最後に、彼女は私に質問をしました。私の尊厳は非常に喜び、口を閉ざしておくように念を押した。はい、仰せの通りに。


Tension ran all over my body for a moment, whereas, behind my back, beautiful Nishiki carp, which means carp of rich brocade, were peacefully swimming. She was my great-grandmother, Kin. Instinctively I knew that she was my flesh and blood. My dignity immediately put my forehead on the floor. Ouch! The world of samurai always asked for pain. My dignity told me that I was not allowed to raise my head until I got permission. “You may raise your head,” she said. It's a dignified voice. It echoed across not only the drawing-room but also to the Japanese Bonsai garden behind my back. My dignity was completely manipulating me. I straightened to the point where I couldn't stretch my spine any further. Thanks to Yoga practice, I was not as flexible as I am now, I would have broken my spine. It meant I was prepared. Once I was secretly proud of myself, my dignity cynically laughed at me. "It is very kind of you, my friend," I said to her.  


Now it’s my turn to stare at her gently. We were minutely scrutinising each other. Her big eyes seemed to see through everything; my emotion, my experience, my failures and the position I was in now. ”You are Tsuneo's daughter, aren’t you? Thank you for taking care of Tsuneo's end. I heard everything from him.”said she. She’s just touched my chord of emotion and I was on the brink of tears. It was lucky that my weakness was sleeping like a log in its shell. I couldn’t show it in front of my great-grandmother, as I did in front of Daniel. Instead of my weakness, I saw my best friend, Cordelia, smiling at me. “You've been unmanageable since you were small. Your guardian deity was our great-grandfather, Tanzo Sato. You've done something pretty dangerous throughout your life. Skated on thin ice. Well, if you're a samurai daughter, that's better. I believe you will complete your mission.” she said. Then, she moved her arms into her bosom in an elegant manner like a Japanese red-crowned crane and pulled a dagger and placed it in front of me. “I'll give you this. You must protect yourself in the manner of a samurai-born daughter,” she said and slowly and beautifully slid the dagger toward me to offer it.

“You can master your dignity in the way you play with your pride. You must strike a balance between dignity and pride, then you generate true strength. Learn that you need to understand that your strength has the power to create everything, empower everybody and destroy the world.” she continued. This phrase rang a bell. I heard this somewhere before. Yes, at the hill of Glastonbury Tor in Czechia, I heard the witch's voice, which said that silence is the most peaceful way to create boundaries with others. She whispered that I must learn that I need to understand that your words have the power to create, empower and destroy. Then, she continued that I had to use my words with the art of silence. I thought that it was of a belief that uttering a thought breathes life into words. Well, my strength is the same. This is the second time so that I adequately understood it. My grey matter picked up a speculative hypothesis that the witch's voice might have been my grandmother's voice. What a formidable great grandmother was she! She might be an adroit tactician.

“The hint is this dagger. The sword comes from this world with the fire of the blacksmith. In front of the fire of the blacksmith, your soul can be sparked into cellular form and all cellular forms of your body including your dignity and pride will be awoken. However, before this process, you must be purified, brightened, burned of waste and toxicity, then you can alight on new ideas and attribute your new life to the influences of new ideas. And you will walk your new life with the great endurance of the samurai. The endurance of samurai is only being revealed without shadows and shame. Our endurance can be soothing, replenishing in the dark womb of dragons, then it will be vital liquid of our soul and body.


Currently, you are far behind this stage. However, your brilliance matches the sun’s direct beams and you hold raw, vital energy. Samurai as a birthright is an invitation to rise each day and affect growth, nurture with warmth, blaze away clouds of confusion, and allow your alternating intimacy and distance to others to create seasonal change. Samurai is so powerful that moving away from people and letting darkness or cool return is part of the gift of our being. You must arrive to dispel slothfulness, melt iciness and dry out tears. In order to do so, firstly our radiance is illuminating our darkness until it’s overflowing. Then at that time you are ready to warm another heart of someone else's melancholic mood.  You must help others in joy. You must keep walking until the dawn of your renewed heart naturally makes others feel gratitude and reverence: you must let them miss you a bit. Not doing this is the root cause of your marriage failure and humiliation. You have always given too much in a hurry. Find meaning in the detour and walking longer in joy. Have you ever heard the story of “Itto Sanrei”? Finally, she asked me a question. My dignity was immensely pleased and asked me to keep my mouth shut. OK, I would do so.

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仏像の彫刻家は、仏像を彫るときにナイフを振る前に、3度祈りを捧げる儀式を行います。同様に、剣の道でも、剣術の達人である先生は、剣を振る前に、この剣術を真摯に教える機会を与えてもらったことに誠実な祈りを捧げなければなりません。 なぜなら、剣術はただ剣を振るばかりなることだからです。どのくらい美しく、そして心を込めて剣を振るかが重要なのです。そして、この精神は日本の芸術に生きています。お茶の達人である千利休は、「茶の湯とはただ湯をわかし茶を点(た)ててのむばかりなることと知るべし」と残しています。


驚くことに、私はこの話を知っていた。が、黙っていた。なぜなら、私の尊厳が沈黙術を使うように言っていたからだ。なぜ知っていたかというと、この一刀三礼という四字成語をプラハで剣道の道場を運営しているチェコ人の剣術の達人に頼まれ、翻訳したからだ。彼には私よりもずっと頼りになる日本人気質が根付いている。そして、私たちこれらの剣道成語を日本語、チェコ語、英語で出版するプロジェクトを行なっている。 彼から一緒にこのプロジェクトをやってくれるように頼まれて時、とても嬉しかった。この夏、彼の道場を訪れた。私の近況を話し、彼は2つの助言をくれた。一つは、困難な状況にもかかわらず、このプロジェクトを一緒に続けること。もう一つは、私と同じような問題を抱えている他の女性を助けることだった。 私は両方とも実行している。また、点が線になった。


“A sculptor of Buddhist statues goes through the ritual of offering three prayers before he wields a knife when he carves a Buddhist image. In the same manner, like Kendo, Sensei, the master of the art of Ken which means ‘a sword’, must go through the ritual of offering sincere prayer for the opportunity to teach this art of the sword with all his or her heart before swinging a blade. Because the art of the sword is just wielding and swinging a blade. But how beutifully and wholeheartedly to do so is important. And this spirit lives in Japanese arts. Sen no Rikyu, the master of the art of tea said, "Know that the tea ceremony is just boiling hot water and making a cup of tea." 


Surprisingly, I knew this story, but I kept silent because my dignity strongly suggested I wear the art of silence. Because I translated this four-character idiom of “Itto Sanrei, 一刀三礼” for my Czech friend who is a master of Kendo and runs a dojo in Prague. He has a more solid Japanese spirit than the one I have now. And we run a project to publish these KENDO idioms in three languages, Japanese, Czech and English. I was so pleased that he asked to do this project together and I visited his dojo this summer in order to talk about my situation. He cheered me up and gave me some advice. One was to keep carrying out this project together despite my difficult situation. Another one was to help other women who have a similar problem as I had. I have done both so far. Again, dots connected the line.






“You offer a sincere prayer three times before playing your dignity with your pride. But there is one condition, you must take off your poker face, remove your dress of tatemae and burn your persona of public image/tear down token acknowledgement called tatemae and shed your public persona, then we are going to enter the room of serine dignity and talk together through our eyes. This is the final test of the art of silence. If you pass the test, you can get a clue about how to play your dignity with your pride./You would not pass the test, unless you can get a clue how to play your dignity with your pride.Before the light fires in you, you must be empty inside and outside. Stay away from people and rest yourself in the cool darkness for a while. Feed yourself. Nourish yourself. Then you become in a serene state. Currently, you are fairly noisy and mildly annoying now and then. 


Follow what I will do, Yuko the daughter of Tsuneo.” said she. Gold in wisteria moved her left hand elegantly and smoothly to her face and held it with the palm to her face. I did the same. She took her mask off. Then, surprisingly enough, I did so. Now I was holding my mask which I could feel soft and warm like human skin on my left hand’s palm, but it was invisible. I looked at Gold in wisteria. She wore such a gentle face which was glowing and her mesmerising eyes were full of love. She stood up. Large white lilies bloomed on her hem of black kimono, and the soft silk fabric added a gentle natural straight line. She looked sensational in her black kimono with white lilies. Ah, Elizabeth Bennet! My great grandmother was wearing the same white lily dress. Once I found the truth, which might be white lilies, again the floor disappeared and we fell into the room of serene dignity. 


私の曽祖母の声が私の脳の皺に直接刻まれていく。私の脳の皺の表面はまるで木目の細かいやすりで尖れ、磨かれたように研ぎ澄まされ、彼女の目を通して、声のない奥行きのある彼女の声をそのまま刻んでいく。 私達は穏やかな尊厳の間にいた。床も明かりもなかった。 しかし、彼女の目の奥に、雷雲のある青い空が見えた。



The voice of my great-grandmother is carved directly into the wrinkles of my brain. The surface of the wrinkles in my brain is sharpened and polished with a fine file, and her in-depth voice is carving as she said voicelessly through her eyes. We were in the room of the serene dignity and there was neither the floor nor the light. However, I could see a blue sky with thunder clouds in the bottom of her eyes. 


You were born with a treasure chest. You have everything. Talent, ability, charm and opportunity are in the treasure chest. Reveal talent, develop abilities, radiate charm, and seize opportunities. Believe in yourself. We can receive by being alone and healing ourselves. feed yourself, nourish yourself, heal yourself, and speak to your soul. Don't give too much to others in order to fill your loneliness. Don't think you need the support of your lover to live your life. Be independent of love addiction. Everything is happening to make you know that. She was more eloquent than anybody else, as calm and compassionate as Maitreya Bodhisattva.

Edited by Ross McLelland

Dedicated to my great grandmother, Kin Sato and all women

Inspired by my soul sister Aliwyn Cole, my imaginary best friend Cordelia and Elizabeth, a great artist Nujabes, Akira Kurosawa, Shinichiro Watanabe, Daniel, and the song of Der Weg by Herbert Grönemeyer.

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