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3.12. Amaterasu Goddess of Sun

執筆者の写真: YukoYuko

Next day, I cleaned tile joints with an old toothbrush in the entrance hall. Then, I got a message. "Clean your chakras thoroughly!" At the same time, I got a vision of my chakras which had dirt between crystallised patterns, just like tile joints. So, I did a deep cleaning of my chakras while cleaning tile joints. I felt so good and refreshed during cleaning despite having heavy coughing and painful herpes. 

August 6 on Thursday, I polished the all floor with bee wax and coconut oil dripped with lemongrass essential oil by hand not using a mop. When I completed it, naturally I sat in lotus and meditated in the middle of the living room. I took a slow breath and tuned into everything in my field. I could feel the good positive energy from everything. And it made me simply happy.

This awareness filled me with a profound sense of contentment and joy like yesterday. It was as if the space itself had a calming, nourishing quality that sank into my being. The stillness and harmony were palpable, a gentle reminder of the inherent goodness that exists if only I take the time to truly notice.

It was a potent reminder that the true integration I sought was not one of domination but of receptivity - an openness to merging with the flow of energy in a way that honoured its natural rhythms. I was breathing Tao. In this state of receptive harmony, I knew that any future fusion of subpersonalities would arise organically, guided by a sense of respect and care.

For now, I was content to simply be present, to let the goodness sink in and replenish my own spirit. Then, I created a Merkaba protection and built constructs. In the middle of the protection, I exercised Ashtanga Yoga after 3 months break. For 3 months, I didn't feel like exercising Yoga at all whilst I injured my right arm not serious by Kendo. Besides, I didn't feel good and clear. However, I got so much sunlight and swam in the Ocean in Italy. When I visited the Vatican Museum, I saw many paintings and statues of God, Angels and Saints. I gained power for cleaning my field, chakras and cores of my subpersonalities.

In Shavasana which was the last asana in Ashtanga Primary Series, I was sinking into the bottomless subconscious mind. I was filled with joy.

On the evening of August 7th, a sudden wave of uncertainty washed over me. Questions about the future and where I should call home began to swirl through my mind, leaving me feeling unsettled and confused.

This unexpected shift was jarring, as it came on the heels of a thorough cleansing of my living space. I had anticipated a profound sense of clarity and peace after investing time and energy into decluttering and purifying my environment. And in many ways, I did feel uplifted and refreshed.

Yet, beneath the surface, my thoughts were generating a palpable undercurrent of fear within my heart chakra. Despite the physical lightness I had created after yoga, an emotional heaviness seemed to linger, clouding my outlook on the far distant future.

As I sat with this dissonance, I recognised that true transformation is rarely a linear process. Just as the clearing of stagnant energy can reveal hidden layers that demand attention, so too can periods of transition unearth deep-seated anxieties that have long been suppressed.

"Removal of subpersonalities..." Satchi and Devi's warning sounded in my head.

It is the high time for it. I sat in lotus and created protections. Then, I identified my thoughts in my head and fear in the heart. I could see these blockages through both chakras easily. After cleaning they are shining and transparent. I applied the seven step process on them. Yet, I failed to ground them and I was distracted.

I opened my eyes and was surprised that I might return to the personality before starting meditations. I stoped myself being panic after reading the book of Tao. I read and practiced the way of Tao which I finished reading yesterday. I decided to read the first volume of our book which Satchi has just published during the Italy trip. It would convince me what I did for these few years through thousands of meditations.

I was immediately drawn in and fear was fading out. I was sending massive gratitude from the bottom of my heart to Satchi. It was like he was sending me strength. Soon I felt so sleepy. I had to have a cat nap. Then, read it and I felt sleepy again. I meditated for a while and read it again. I felt sleepy. 

I have an intuition that there was somebody sabotaging. I sat in lotus and went back to meditation. I carefully searched for her or him while dealing with clouds of my thoughts in my head as a person who lives according to the Tao, " Be careful as if fording a river barefoot in winter". Then, I found it. I can't identify its sex. It was a little person living in a space in the back of my head. It was the fourth day of my first meditation experience with Satchi and Devi in Spain in 2006. I identified it as him that time. I saw him when I discovered the eye behind the head.

I went close to him and talked to him. He tried to convince me that his existence supported my third-eye function. He and my third eye were a pair like yin and yang. If I ground him, my third eye also would disappear. I was listening to his bra bra bra, while I identified him as my self-sabotage. I used the power and wisdom of silence written in Chapter 23 of the Book of Tao, aligning myself with the natural way of the universe. After for a while, he was lack of words.

I was determined to ground him. Then, he transform into a female. She seemed like sub-personality and my self-sabotage. She was the person who was pulling me backwards for last a few months. She prevented me from Yoga exercise and writing review. I wrote my attempts to removing subpersonalities for last a few months. I have two pieces of paper, but I was so slow to write them as my review.

She insisted that she was doing to protect me. I tried to be as the sage, wise person who moves through the world quietly, without causing disruption, who doesn’t leave a trail of mistakes or damage behind her. Instead, she focus on helping others, on “saving people.” In chapter 27 of the book of Tao, the sage sees value in everyone and everything. They don’t abandon anyone, even those who seem lost or difficult. They don’t discard anything, even what others might consider worthless. I am not the person influenced with subpersonalities. I am saving my sub-personality.

Then, we had a long talk for probably two days. She explained everything why she did to me since I was small. The reason I could be positive and energetic because of her. We were like yin and yang written in the Book of Tao. It stroke a chord with my heart. Because it was written in chapter 27 of the book of tao that sages understand that every person and every thing has value. They recognise that a good person can be a teacher to someone who is struggling. Conversely, someone who is struggling or “bad” provides valuable lessons and material for the good person to learn from. This mutual relationship is crucial—each helps the other grow and improve. We created YUKO.

I thanked her but told her I didn’t need your sabotage and I really want to move forward. She burst into tears. I hugged her and went down to the centre of the earth together. I held her as she was burning. We were smiling together. She became ash and a light. Ash were melting to the centre of the earth. 

Then, the shining light floated and flew to the above. I cleaned the small room in the back of my head and destroyed the wall to the third eye. I put a Merkaba protection in the centre of my head. I spin it. It sparkled a sacred light and cleaned all. I made the Merkaba protection bigger and bigger.  Soon, I was inside of the protection. Suddenly, it hit something. It was invisible, but there was something. I used my hand to touch it. It was a big rock. 

I remembered a special technique you told me. On the soft pillow, move my head left and right. I sent an energy with head movements to the invisible rock. I did it more than ten times. Finally, it moved. 

I got the vision of the scene in the Kojiki:古事記, one of Japan's oldest historical texts, a captivating story about the opening of the rock gate called "Iwado", associated with the sun goddess Amaterasu. 

I will write the extracts. It might have connections with this rock gate blockage. 

The story unfolds with Amaterasu, feeling hurt and offended by her brother Susanoo's chaotic behaviour and mischief, retreating into a cave called Ama-no-Iwato. Her absence plunged the world into darkness, leading to despair among the deities. To coax her out, the other gods devised a clever plan.

They gathered at the entrance of the cave and created a lively spectacle. They held joyous celebrations, singing and dancing, while also placing a mirror reflecting light outside the cave. The goddess of merriment, Ame-no-Uzume, performed a dance that was both enchanting and slightly risqué, capturing the attention of the gods.

Curiosity piqued, Amaterasu peeked out from her dwelling to witness the commotion. When she saw her own reflection in the mirror, she was overcome by her beauty and desire to return to the light. As she emerged from the cave, the world basked in sunlight once again. This event not only restored light but also brought harmony back to the universe, exemplifying the power of community, creativity, and beauty.

Thus, the rock gate that once trapped Amaterasu was opened, symbolising the triumph of joy and renewal over darkness. This tale reflects the deep cultural significance of light and the sun in Japanese mythology. I was educated like that.  

Now back to my story. 

As the rock shifted, a blinding light burst forth, streaming directly into my heart chakra. It felt like a powerful spotlight, illuminating my very core with an intensity that seemed to melt me from within! Waves of warmth enveloped me, dissolving my barriers and exposing a dark, slimy blockage that had festered in the depths of my being. A searing heat engulfed it, purging it away in a fiery release.

Then, a door emerged before me, seemingly solid yet locked tight. The brilliant light focused its energy on the lock, and in an instant, it softened and melted like wax. With a swift motion, I flung the door open and was greeted by an astonishingly radiant world.

It defied logic, yet there I was, standing atop the Antahkarana—a precarious perch that felt both sacred and surreal. Suddenly, a voice reverberated through the air, instructing me to assume a balance pose in Yoga. Heart racing, I stood firm on one leg, gripping the toe of the other. The slightest distraction could send me tumbling from this ethereal height.

In that charged moment, an incredible torrent of energy cascaded into my crown chakra like a celestial waterfall. I concentrated intently on maintaining my balance, my world narrowing to that one leg steadfastly holding me above the abyss. I am a Yogie and Taoist.

The higher I ascended, the more powerful the energy surged through me, like an orchestra of light converging from all directions, each brilliant ray amplifying my focus and lifting me higher into the infinite. I reached a place. I intuitively thought Sirius. Because it was covered with bright white light. They called my name. I answered. Then, I received a message. 

 "You must focus at this level always, for only then can you receive this abundance of energy every hour of every day. To train yourself, you must hold a balance pose atop the Antahkarana."

I realised then that my previous efforts had not been enough and I didn’t focus 100 per cent. There was room which fear was generated. I needed to commit fully, to giving 100 percent of myself. Wait a second! Not only that, I was also always in a hurry.

The voice continued, urging me, "Trust us with the same intensity as your focus. Doubt has no place here. You must move forward with unwavering certainty, just as you are doing now."

"Do not settle into a stable, ordinary life like those on Earth. You are meant to soar, to evolve. Do not remain stagnant in one place for the rest of your days. You have a mission, a purpose that calls you."

"Remember, do not doubt me, for I will guide you. Embrace this path, and let the energy flow through you, propelling you toward your destiny."

I collapsed onto the bed and fell asleep.

To be continued to 3.13. Golden Elixir





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