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Friday, September 24th. In the morning, I was urged to do it. I call it my intuition. I’ve gotten along with my gut feelings since I was small. I never say it's useless. Logical thinking is also reliable, but intuition is a good friend in the event of an emergency, such a huge personal time-bomb. Those who have never heard of intuition are boring. They always tell me that I should get a grip on reality. On the contrary, I believe that such people can't draw a big picture because they’re too attached to reality. My hunch told me that I had to send emails to three people this morning.


The first recipient was Sachi, my meditation master. I have to put into words the fantasies I had during yesterday's meditation. I tried a very big adventure. I felt like taking the next step. I will ask him for a foothold for the next step. After resuming meditation habits, I often report to Sachi the fantasies I had during meditation. Immerse yourself in the feeling of writing a science fiction novel. Meditation trains creativity. If you put it back into words at a later date, you can see your inner self. My inner side was deep and like a bottomless swamp. I sent my journey and I'll get a brief answer during the day. It's like a Zen question and answer. In modern terms, it's like a dialogue with the Jedi Master. I realize that I am really enjoying myself. I am in an area that is completely symmetrical to reality. A magnificent picture spreads in front of me.


The second person was my lawyer. Next Wednesday, we would have a final interview with the mediator in the presence of my husband. At that time, I had to ask her for advice on what to say and what not to say.


The third one is my mother-in-law. I wanted to send her a thank-you email. I hadn't been in contact since I started my separation. She is a kind and compassionate woman. She's just as she is, she's lived her life completely different from me. There is not much in common between us. But for me, who lost my parents, she is a Czech mother. The memories of raising our daughter together are still the warmest part in my heart. As I wrote, tears flowed. However, it is this mother who raised my husband. Memories are memories. Facts are facts. A divorce is a divorce.


I sent three emails. I was relieved. The next thing I had to do was move my car. There is no place to stop in the parking lot, so I parked it in a place where I can only park in the morning. It's 12:30 now. Hurry up and go outside. As I was walking toward the car, I heard a voice calling me, YUKO from two directions at the same time. From exact opposite directions. One is my Czech sister, Bara. The other is that Czech friend who served tea in the park. It's a coincidence. I helped them to introduce each other. Bara and I were invited to tea. After moving the car to another location, I decided to go to his flat with Bara.

There was a red abstract painting on the dark blue wall. Birds like red-crowned cranes and shapes that aren't, were confidently on the wall. His room was like a cranky old museum a long time ago. Teaware, sculptures, stones, etc. were lined up narrowly on the black chests. I had the illusion of getting lost in an antique street store in Shanghai. We sat on a sofa made of light blue linen fabric which looked very modern. The confident bird is smiling in front of me. Bara and I sit side by side. A dark brown teapot and three China teacups are lined up on a plate with a round dish with a dragon motif.





Three is the most stable number in China, 3 is preferred over 4. Three people are good for a tea party between people for the first time. From the cups arranged like three wheels, you can feel the willingness to gently accept the conversation that will be unfolding. A faint light shines through the large window on the left. It's cloudy outside. The sky is covered with clouds and the sun's rays are just softened. Exquisite light brings out unevenness. The divine nature uses diffusion against the strength and aggression of sunlight, temperature, and wind today. Therefore, I decided to use the art of silence here. I can't be the strength and aggression of this tea party. I felt like I could discover something important that I had missed in my life. In order to do so, I need to be in the dimension of a daydream.


My sister Bara is unprecedentedly talkative. My tea drinking friends are also at a good tempo. The two had a surprising commonality. The story of a collection of ores collected while walking in the mountains. An incredible number of stones are lined up on the shelves. Genes that become jewels when polished. Suddenly, I felt like I was in Kenji Miyazawa's novel Night on the Galaxy Railway. There are a lot of ore and geological terms. It's a story of two boys on board a railroad running through the galaxy. This can be used in my daydreaming. We are now drinking tea while boarding a railway that travels through the milky ways in the galaxy. I shift the gear of my imagination to 3rd gear.


熱湯が急須に注がれる。彼は慣れた手つきで、最後に急須の蓋の上から熱湯を注ぐ。すると不思議と色が変わる。湯気に包まれ、焦茶色の急須は少し赤らむ。この瞬間、私のイギリス人の元パートナーの祖父からのコメントが頭をよぎった。『女性は決して汗をかきません、彼女はただ輝くだけです』それ以来、優雅な貴婦人が幸せと興奮でドキドキする心を楽しんでいる瞬間を想像するのが大好きだ。以前住んでいたバースの景色が浮かんだ。ジェーン オースティンが描いた数々のイギリス貴婦人が歩くシーン。そして、今がその瞬間だ。急須が目覚める時、急須は感情を受けとる準備をする。茶葉に封印された大地の感情。赤ら顔の急須を空にして、彼は白樺の皮の上に乗せたLao Cong Shui Xian (老欉水仙茶)の葉を入れる。福建省にある武夷山で作られたお茶だ。私の目が釘付けになる。彼は、構わずお茶っ葉に熱湯を注ぐ。そして、蓋をする。この小さな急須は全身全霊を込めて磁石のような何かを生み出す。皆黙って急須を見つめる。この赤茶色の急須の中で起こっている出来事を想像する。長い間封印された秘密が明らかになる。興奮気味の私とは裏腹に、彼の表情はとても穏やかだ。お茶を注ぐ役を受け持ったものは心を落ち着け、その瞬間に意識を集中し、今を楽しむ。私の生まれた国では、千利休がその心を茶道という芸術の域まで高めたのだ。


Hot water is poured into the teapot which is dark brown, like dark chocolate. He is accustomed to pouring boiling water over the lid of the teapot. Then the colour changes mysteriously. Surrounded by steam, the dark brown teapot is slightly reddish, it is glowing. This moment conjured a comment from a grandfather of my English ex-partner. A lady never sweats, she only glows. Since then, I have loved this moment that an elegant lady is enjoying a heart throbbing with happiness and excitement in Bath, where the novelist Jane Austin lived and I used to live. Now is the moment. When the teapot wakes up, it prepares to receive emotions. The emotions of the earth sealed in the tea leaves. Emptying the glowing warm teapot, the tea server puts the leaves of Lao Cong Shui Xian on the birch skin. This tea is made at Mt. Wuyishan in Fujian Province in China. My eyes are glued to this movement.  He pours boiling water over the tea leaves, puts the lid on. The teapot keeps us on our toes. Everyone silently stares at the teapot. This is the magical moment. Imagine what's happening inside this reddish-brown teapot. A long-sealed secret is revealed. Contrary to my excitement, the expression on his face is very calm. The person who is in charge of pouring tea must calm himself down, concentrate on the moment, and enjoy the present. In the country where I was born, Sen no Rikyu raised his heart to the level of the tea ceremony.




We were like ships passing in the night which describes a cultural concept of treasuring the unrepeatable nature of a moment. The term has been translated as "for this time only", and "once in a lifetime". The term reminds people to cherish any gathering that they may take part in, citing the fact that any moment in life cannot be repeated; even when the same group of people get together in the same place again, a particular gathering will never be replicated, and thus each moment is always a once-in-a-lifetime experience. This proper spirit still rises in China, where this tea was born and raised. In China, They don't dare to ask for contacts when they say goodbye to people they met on a trip. Even if they travel together for a few days. Destiny decides whether or not they can meet again. Destiny only desires them to enjoy the moments of each journey together. Today's tea was carefully picked from a relatively old tea tree that has grown its roots to the fullest in the rocks and absorbed water and nutrients in China. The leaves were semi-fermented and then fragrantly roasted. Steam the secret in a beautiful streamlined teapot in dark chocolate colour, and now enjoy the hidden feelings of the earth with this companion. The name of the owner of today's tea ceremony is HONZA, which means nothing in Czech, but in Japanese it means real. His knowledge of tea is astounding. The peaceful expression on his face proves that he is familiar with the ceremony. I can see his relationship of trust with the tea that has been built over many years.








その時、私は突然ひとつの映画のシーンの中に引きずり込まれた。涙が止まらないほど泣いた映画の一つ、「おおかみこどもの雨と雪」だ。私は、嵐の森のにいる。皮肉だが、また嵐の森だ。今度は魔女はいなく、一人の母親がいた。その母親は、12歳の息子を探し森をさまよっている。12歳の息子は狼と人間とのハーフである。彼女は、滑って意識を失う。その時、すでに亡くなっている子供の父親の信託を見る。彼は、彼女に告げる。動物の世界、特に狼の世界では、12歳は立派な大人である。息子は人生の中で自分の道を見つけるだろう。なぜなら、彼女が彼を立派に育てたからだと彼女に告げる。 彼女は目覚め、彼女の息子が完全に大人のオオカミに変身し、山の中に走っていくのを見る。 彼女は、彼が自分の道を見つけたことに気づき、彼女は喜んで、しかし涙ながらに彼への別れを受け入れる。彼女の最後の言葉を投げる。「雨、精一杯生きて。」と。


その時涙が一筋流れた。夫と住みたいというのは彼女の意思だ。彼女は、夫の弱さに気がついているのかもしれない。彼は弱い分、娘ともしっかりと繋がっているのだ。良い悪いは別にして。「今、個人的な意見をしているのは誰ですか?」 沈黙術の師匠が意気揚々と尋ねた。そう、個人的な私の意見は沈黙すべきだ。決断は法廷に任せよう。離婚を決意したのは、私だ。喜んで、しかし涙ながらに娘への別れを受け入れよう。私は前に進まなければ。私はもう12年間の結婚生活にも、主人と共に生きていく人生にも属していないのだ。

Caramel coloured liquid was poured into three bowls. I lift the edge of the bowl with three fingers. It’s warm. A cup of tea is more than just a drink. It's a living creature. Enjoy it with three steps. Smell the scent. It speaks to my memory. Sip it and roll on the tongue. The string of recollected memories is unraveled. Various pictures without feelings come to mind. Drink it up. A smile appears on everyone's face. I feel a strong fondness for its mellow and deep taste. My consciousness rises straight. I look at the scene. In silence, I was in the museum of my memory. Existential paintings, landscapes I've seen, abstract paintings of emotions. An abstract art of my future that I saw in the park. My heart was shaken and I came back to reality.


When I noticed, Honza was pouring out our second cup. The important thing when making tea is to rinse it to the last drop. We can do it easily with a well designed teapot. The second cup is always darker and stronger.  The caramel color is charred. Carry it into your mouth. The faint astringency adds shade to the taste. You can feel the claim of minerals. It’s delicious. I close my eyes. An abstract painting of my future appears. The astringency of tea has made the outline somewhat clearer. However, it is too bright to see at all. I drink another cup. My intuition awakens with caffeine that exceeds the permissible amount. Intuitively I see my future. However, I still can't see the outline. It's like Turner's painting. In the dazzling light he expressed the beauty of nature. My intuition sniffed something, an assumption. Do I belong here, on the earth? What is the point of grounding between the earth and me? This is the secret of the earth that was sealed in the tea leaves. It is the most important sense of survival that you feel with smell and taste. I must find it or surrender completely and ask for it.


I noticed a terrifying fact. The vitality of an animal to survive is a fight, flight, or freezing reaction. On June 26, I quarrelled with my husband, froze, and flew. That means that the final stages of my marriage threatened my survival. Then I left our daughter and ran away. My husband does not let go of our daughter. He just switched from me to our daughter. Weakness is the basis of his arrogance. He cannot live alone, he lives as a parasite. He sucked energy from me and I was about to die. He survives by returning from our first separation. I can't survive with him. My daughter is 12 years old. I raised her well. 


At that time, I was suddenly dragged into a movie scene. One of the movies that I cried so much that tears couldn't stop, called "Wolf Children". I'm in the forest under a fierce storm. Ironically, it sets a stormy forest again. This time there was no witch, but a mother. She is wandering in the woods looking for her 12-year-old son. The son called Ame, which means Rain in Japanese, is half-wolf and half-human. She slips and falls unconscious. At that time, she sees the vision of the father of her child, who has already died. He tells her. In the animal world, especially the wolf world, the 12-year-old is a fine adult. Our son will find his own paths in life, and that she raised them well. She awakens to see Ame fully transform into an adult wolf and run into the mountains. Realizing he has found his own path she happily but tearfully accepts his goodbye. She throws her last words, "Ame, live a full life".


I feel tears running down my face. It is my daughter’s will to live with her father, which means my husband. She may be aware of her husband's weaknesses. He is weak and that’s why he has a stronger connection to his daughter than me. Good connection or bad would put it aside. `Who's making personal remarks now?' the master of the art of silence asked triumphantly. Yes, personal opinions should be silenced. I must pass all judgement to the court. I was the one who decided to divorce. Therefore, I must happily but tearfully accept her goodbye. I must move forward. I belong neither in my 12 years of marriage nor the life with my husband.





『あなたはまだ何も持っていないので、これ以上、手に入れることができません。 あなたがより少なく取ることができないことを暗示します。 何も取らないのはとても簡単なことです』




Another cup of dark caramel-colored liquid was in front of me. Bara and Honza were talking about the museum. While listening to light conversation and laughter, with respect, I lift the bowl with three fingers. I enjoy the scent and pour it in my mouth. It reminds me of the most important sense of survival that I feel with smell and taste. Connect with the earth. It told me that I still have a place on this earth.


Then, I met the bird’s eyes like a red-crowned crane on a red abstract painting on the wall. What a mysterious tea party! I may have absorbed too much caffeine. He slowly moved his beak. A line I've heard somewhere emerged.


You don't have anything yet, so you can't get any more. It implies that you can't take less. It's very easy to take nothing.

Is it alluding to my new life?


今日は9月24日。彼を9月の丹頂鶴と名づけよう。気狂いの帽子屋はホンザ。かわいいやまねはバーラ。お茶会に紛れ込んだアリスは私。移りやすい笑いが空気の香りに流れ込むや否や、私は他の2人と、そして自然と上手に共鳴することができる。 このお茶会ほど良いものはないだろう。






Today is September 24th. Let's call him September Crane. The crazy Hatter is Honza. The cute Dormouse is Bara. Alice is me, the one who got into the tea party. The sooner infectious laughter ripples through the atmospheric scent, the better I will resonate with another two, then nature. It is nowhere near as good as this tea party.

After the tea party, I returned to my flat with Bara. We’re going to have dinner tonight and she'll be staying over. She heals my emotions, which have always been waves. She’s been healing for 10 years since we met. She is like my sister. I am not an orphan. Seeing the divinity of nature, I’ve moved forward in my life. 


There was a letter in the mailbox. It was a summons from the court on October 25, 7:45. The trial begins. My heart was surprisingly calm.

Dedicated to Honza and Bara

Inspired by Alice in Wonderland, Wolf Children and Night on the Galactic Railroad

Edited by Ross McLelland

© 2024 by Yuko Sato Ondrejka Proudly created with

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