はじめまして オンドレイカ友子です。この度は、私のウェブサイトをご覧くださり誠に嬉しく思っております。現在チェコ共和国に在住。現地の日系企業で通訳として勤務する傍ら、地元の学校で日本語を教えたり、オンラインで日本語と英語を教えております。今後は筆跡と写真活動も再開いたします。何卒宜しくお願い申し上げます。
英語は日本語よりステレートな言語です。そして、論理的に会話を組み立てる必要があります。自然と因果関係を常に考えながら、会話を続ける癖がつきます。この点は日本語とはか なり異なります。日本語をそのまま、英語に訳してもうまく伝わらなかったり、相手の反応が自分の期待と異なった経験があるかと思います。私も、海外生活の初めの数年は悔しい思いをたくさんしました。ルームメート、クラスメート、友達、同僚、上司、大家さん、隣人、そして大切な人と毎日会話をせずに過ごすことはできませんよね。そして、毎日の会話は素晴らしい練習の場です。
私は、小さい頃から、おしゃべりで、質問が大好きな子供でした。先生に煙たがられるほどでした。中学時代までは、あまりクラスに馴染めませんでした。都立竹早高校に入学してからは、当高校の自由な雰囲気の中、おしゃべりに拍 車がかかりました。陸上部の恩師神山先生には、よく注意を受けましたが、先見の明のある先生で、そのころ珍しく、イメージドレー人グを導入され、私たちは校庭に寝転んで、試合中、自分達が走ってる姿を想像していました。想像力の凄さを思い知ったのはこの時です。
その後、明治短期大学では、刑事訴訟法ゼミのゼミ長をさせていただき、模倣裁判を中心に理論と話術の練習をしました。裏ゼミでは日本国憲法ゼミを立ち上げ、論理的な小論文の書き方を練習しました。その後、明治大学政経学部政治学科へ編入し、国際政治学ゼミとマスコミ研究会で、ディベー トの練習をさせていただきました。やはり、根っから、しゃべるのと討論するのが好きなのかもしれません。
次は、集中し論理的に展開します。先ず、因果関係からオチを導きます。二つの文を対にして、理由もしくは原因と結果を鮮明に浮立たせます。因果関係を表す接続詞、Linking words、構文を使い、メリハリ、強弱、対照をつけます。論理的展開は滑らかであれば、相手を和ませ、ギャップが大ききれば、意外性が増し、意外性が高いほど人の記憶に残ります。そして、相手の反応も大きくなるので、自分も満足感が得られます。満足すると人間は優しくなります。すると、自分に対しての負の感情が自然と消えていき、話している自分が好きになり、もっと話したくなります。この欲求は、言語習得に不可欠です。話したくならなけれが、いつまでも話せない自分を肯定する理由を探すために言語を勉強 するだけです。楽しいですか?
3年外資系ホテルマネージメントの会社で働いた後、アメリカのマイアミ、中国の厦門で留学した後、香港でCity Superという現地デパートで製菓のバイヤーとして3年働き、その後インターンを経て、写真家になりました。その後、中国の上海に移り、写真家として楽しく働かせていただきました。想像力を思い存分鍛えることができました。コーチングの基礎もこの時に築いたと思います。
English conversation in a relaxed atmosphere is like yoga practice in the heart.
Let's get rid of the tiredness and tediousness of the week with a lively English conversation on Friday. There are many relationships that make you feel down in the mouth when you live abroad, such as international romance, marriage and divorce, overseas migration, work, life and study abroad. Let’s jump out on a knife-edge! Express your true feeling and hit the nail on the head in English. Next week, your heart will be surprisingly light as a feather. Why don’t we share our worries together? As a coach, having a whale of a time with you could make me feel lighter. Be relaxed and let's talk. I mean your true intention wants to speak up.
English is a more straightforward language than Japanese. Therefore, if you want to hit the nail on the head, you need to get the hang of it. Firstly think logically to construct the conversation. You will have a habit of continuing conversation while always racking your brains about the cause and effect in it. This point is quite different from the Japanese. Even if you translate Japanese into English in a spotless way, it might not be transmitted well, or the reaction of the others might be different from your expectations. I also had a lot of regrets during the first few years of living abroad.
But you can't avoid talking to your roommates, classmates, friends, colleagues, bosses, landlords, neighbours, and loved ones. So face a golden opportunity. Moreover, a daily conversation is a great place for practice. Practice makes perfect.
Secondly, enjoy chatting. And the chat is essential for learning a language. It will refresh your mind if you can laugh at each other by adding punch lines to the chat. Spontaneous laughter makes your thoughts loosen up. Flexible thinking awakens logical power.
Chats created by logical power attract the interest of the other party. It’s your ace. Then, the facial expression of the other would dramatically change. After saying goodbye, you start walking in the street, you'll notice that your feet are getting lighter because you worked a miracle.
That is self-confidence. Even if you don't have enough language skills or vocabulary, you can express yourself with confidence. You just need some tips and practice before getting the hang of it.
When you feel confident, you naturally become positive. You will be able to see the surroundings. If you discover something new, notice the difference in the atmosphere there, be surprised at the different sides of the people you see in your everyday’s life and express such stories in English. And ask yourself questions, such as what do I do? Do I like or hate it? Do I have a lot of things I like? Do I often dislike it? Did I feel happy? Did I feel scared? Do I find it fun? Do I feel sad? Then you will understand yourself, in the interim, you can increase vocabulary. Now you can kill two birds with one stone.
Thirdly, you need concentration to expand logic. The punch line is derived from the causal relationship. Pair the two sentences to clearly highlight the reason or cause and effect. Use conjunctions, linking words, and syntax to express causality, and add sharpness, strength, and contrast. This process demands prodigious concentration. If the logical development is smooth, it will soften the other person, if the gap is large, the unexpectedness will increase, and the higher the unexpectedness, the more memorable it will be. And since the reaction of the other is also great, you can get a sense of satisfaction.
I am currently working as an interpreter in the technical department in a Japanese company located in Kadan, Czechia. I also teach Japanese online through italki, where I have delivered around 450 lessons which have been rated as 5 stars.
I attended Takehaya High School, which was originally established in 1900 in Tokyo in order to educate the middle and working-class girls for the teaching profession. I was educated and developed with the spirit of "independence and autonomy" in learning as well as living throughout my life. In addition, the school has accepted students returning from overseas since 1980, and so I have experienced an international atmosphere, which was a good stimulus in my impressionable adolescence.
I graduated from the Woman's College of Meiji University, which was first established in 1929 with the aim of obtaining qualifications as a lawyer and a politician for girls, with a certificate in Law. Following this, I studied Politics and Economics at Meiji University and eventually graduated in Political Science.
When you are satisfied, you will become more kind and sincere. Then, the negative feelings in your mind will vanish naturally, you will like yourself and this motivates you to talk more. This desire is essential for language acquisition. If you don't want to speak, you just study the language to find a reason which prevents you to speak forever. Don’t you want to speak forever? Isn’t it fun?
When explaining reasons or causes, accumulate visual information which you both know and concisely convey this information in a way that the person you are talking to can easily imagine.
This activity in their mind stimulates their imagination. When they use their imagination, they focus on the conversation and are hooked by your story. Now you are in the same boat. As a result, the emotions and thoughts of the person you are talking to are activated. Continue the conversation while observing the reaction of the other person, and with the information obtained from them, now it’s your turn to ignite the fuse of your imagination. Please grip it forcefully. Because imagination enhances your comprehension and helps you retain the conversation in your memory.
Even if you don't know the exact meaning of each word, you can imagine and continue drifting through the conversation. If your thought stops here and there, where you find unknown words, you can’t keep up with the conversation. As a result, it will be very different from what you expected. This might be a disappointment and it will give you pain.
Imagination is a great tool. It adds vibrant colours to your daily life. Even people who live a monochromatic, tedious life as a black-and-white photograph can create an exquisite contrast between light and shadow.
Finally, and the most difficult part, expressing your feelings and emotions within an intimate relationship. Everybody has his or her own needs and tolerances for the level of exposing emotion. Especially if you both have different gender and nationality, there would be significant differences between you two. Therefore, your loved one can't understand unless you put your feelings and emotions in words. I think that it's better to practice communicating your feelings directly into topics of lower importance and impact, rather than trying to guess his or her feelings by empathy and intuition. In a nutshell, set a lower bar. Practice explaining your cup of tea of music or food in no uncertain terms giving proper evidence, then you can enjoy a cup of love to the utmost. You will have a qualified success.
However, if you want to use your imagination in a conversation with the other person, be sure to start the conversation from a realistic point. Because you have to get your opponent on board in your imagination. Visual facts that strike a chord in the other person will make your journey more enjoyable. After that, while observing the reaction of the other, it is up to you how to fly the spaceship of your imagination. The best way to stretch your imagination is to observe people and things around you in perspective. Simply ask yourself, if you could be them, how would you feel? When you try to explain this information you obtained in English, your brain will start functioning.