
私は、長い海外生活で、色々な経験と知恵を身につけました。2008年にSir John Whitmore (1937–2017)さんのコーチングのセミナーを受け、その後、それを子育てと高校生の日本語教育に応用しました。すると、不思議なことに、自信と希望をその人の心の中に植え付けることができました。あなたは誰かがあなたを幸せにしてくれるとどこかで思っていませんか?自分ではどうしようもないと思っていませんか?自分には力がないと思っていませんか?そうではないんです。あなたには、自分で自分を幸せにする力を持っているです。能力は自分の中にあるんです。ただ眠っているだけなんです。その能力を一緒に見つけ、応用する練習をするコーチングです。






Yuko no Nihongo-Yuko's Japanese Lesson
"Sushi, Anime, Ninja, Geisha and Mt. Fuji! Do you want to explore Japan? Communication in a local language on your own is the most blissful experience you can have on this planet - This is a taste of satisfaction". You can learn Japanese from your interests, such as your favourite anime, food, music. I will coach you to use your imagination to learn Japanese with fun.
1. Motivation booster
This suits absolute beginners to advanced learners. Unlike European languages, before tuning your pronunciation and tackling grammar you must learn unique letters of Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji. This process requires a high tolerance for most of the European students, but don't worry! I will coach you on how to boost your motivation in this process and I will give a feel for basic grammatical points and basic conjugations of verbs. You will be amazed at how quickly you can orient yourself to the Japanese language. For advanced students, I will challenge you to a depth of Japanese language from various perspectives, for instance, listening to music, watching documentaries, reading books and also learning new Kanji. All roads lead to Japan.

2. Being practical in technology
I've built up another career as an interpreter in the manufacturing industry and I am familiar with technical terms in Japanese and English. I designed this course for engineers who work for Japanese companies and have Japanese bosses.
The content of this course is similar to course one, which means you will learn hiragana, katakana, basic kanji, and I will have a feel of basic grammatical points and basic verbs technically used in the manufacturing industry. In short, instead of talking about hobbies, we talk about “Kaizen” or “Lean Manufacturing”. You can impress your Japanese boss with your extensive knowledge of Japanese.
3. Developing a sophisticated approach to the JLPT preparation
Unlike other courses, we will use textbooks in this course. In my experience coaching students aiming for JLPT N5,4,3 and N2, mastering some textbooks is absolutely essential. Studying the textbook meanwhile I will add those three factors, drawing, self-directed attitude and fun to apply the information you’ve got from the textbook to practical situations. Our goal is to develop your own system of preparing for the JLPT and to have the courage of your convictions.