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Edited by Yuko SATO Ondrejka

Freedom and Wings


I am trembling with fear when I start something new. Failure, criticism, or the most frightening thing I can think of is that the worry that I might be laughed at is peeping through the bottom of my heart like a sinister presence.


Then immediately I began to persuade myself that it would be more comfortable to stand there as I am. Of course, it is safer not to leave my comfort zone. But is it really a state of security that humans should keep in mind?


Where can I find the benefits of being cornered by such fear and remain in the cage of a familiar life? Life will be enriched only if we go beyond our own limits and gain new experiences. It's the freedom everyone is ruthless in pursuing - to expand the realm of knowledge and abilities without being bound by anxiety. That freedom is the driving force for quitting unpleasant jobs, realising dreams, and finding new purpose in our lives.


However, how can a mere person who is suppressed by suffering create this driving force? Of course, we need help and support from friends, family, or authoritative people.

Especially for those who are lost in the process of learning, it is most natural for professors and coaches, in a broad sense, teachers to come into this role.

How confident a person is when trying something new depends on the teacher's behavior.


I think it is the teacher's role to create a friendly and free atmosphere, where there is no room for judgement. It is no exaggeration to say that the purpose of teaching work is not just to teach, but to give students confidence and the courage to challenge new things and jump at new opportunities.


However, since the teacher is like an expert, that is, a sage person, can she understand the feelings of a layperson, that is, an ordinary person?


When we have been teaching for many years, it is natural for us to forget our old suffering. Because this is human nature. Conveniently and somewhat arrogantly, I think I can do it so anyone can easily do it. 


Therefore, for those who share their knowledge as a profession, the experience of acquiring new abilities by themselves is indispensable. Instead of teaching the experience, they do it obediently in front of someone trying to come out of his or her shell. That's more than adequate. Because the person who emerges from the shell already has wings. They can fly wherever they want to go. We, the teachers, next mission is to fly in front and lead the way.

Translated by Yuko SATO Ondrejka

​Edited by Ross McLelland

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