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2006年9月 スペインのL'ESCALAという町で、私は生まれて初めて自分のエゴと対面した。そして、瞑想中に対決した。Satchiが私にそうするように導いたとおりに。対決といえば、ドイツ人のダニエル君は、私とはまるで違う次元にいるかのように質問を切り出す。彼の質問は投げられるのではなく、彼は彼の剣で私の肉を真剣に切りに来る。それはまるで会話というよりは決闘に近い。


肉を切るといえば、五輪書を知っているだろうか?これは1643年から2年の歳月をかけて、宮本武蔵という日本の剣術家が書いた日本の剣術と武道全般に関する兵法書である。侍の剣術の奥義が納められている。“肉を切らせて骨を断つ”のような「単刀直入」のモチーフが兵法書全体に散りばめられている。 すべての技術は単に対戦相手を先手、先手と切り倒す方法であり、1対1の決闘であろうと大規模な戦闘であろうと、あらゆる規模の戦闘に適用できる。




My featherweight ego


There was only one person in the past who noticed my dangerous abilities. An Englishman named Satchidanand who taught me how to meditate in a small town in the south of Spain. He had a soft and strong, melodic and passionate voice like sounds of iron wind chimes in a sweltering summer.


In September 2006 in the town called L'ESCALA in Spain, I faced my ego for the first time in my life. And we squared off with it during meditation, where Satchi guided me to do so. Speaking of confrontation, German Daniel broaches the subjects as if he were in a different dimension than I am. His subject of a question isn't addressed, he comes to cut my flesh with his sword. It's more like a duel than a conversation.


Speaking of cutting warrior's flesh, have you ever heard of The Book of Five Rings? It is a text on kenjutsu and the martial arts in general, written by the Japanese swordsman Miyamoto Musashi around 1643 and he spent two years completing it. There the mystery of samurai swordsmanship - a "no-nonsense" motif is featured throughout the text, such as "Cut your flesh and break his bones”. All technique is simply a method of making the first move and cutting down one's opponent, which can apply for combat on any scale, whether a one-on-one duel or a massive battle. 


Musashi recorded 60 wins, only wins, with this tactic. That is why this book attracts competitive people. Ironically, it was the Romanian who introduced me to this book. In the city of Timișoara, Romania, on behalf of the Japanese, I received a reverent appreciation for the Book of Five Rings from him. This book changed his life. Right now, it is about to change my life.







"Do you know the difference between imagination and expressiveness?" Daniel came to cut my flesh with the seriousness of his heart, like a sword. By next week's lesson, I would have to break his bones with this Japanese-style tactic. Setting speed and deadlines is essential to victory. My experience whispered to me. There are too many homophones, similar-sounding words in Japanese. Imagination and creativity are homophones. It's unclear which one he intended. He suddenly cut off my flesh and I couldn't even answer which one of those two, imagination and creativity. Even though asking questions is my middle name. Might he have been a samurai in his past life? If I take these three words seriously and define them concisely, orderly and organized, I could break his bones. I am striving always for neatness and perfection in my work. 

I love the challenge. Probably because I hate losing and it proves I am competitive. When a woman has this characteristic, she is swallowed by the rough seas. The moment when she breaks the opponent's bones with well-organized thinking is the only moment when she can come out of the rough seas and take a breath. In order to stay alive, or to survive, this activity became my favourite. Same as the rare Mishima beef, one of the most precious types of Japanese beef, the diced steak I ate when I lived in Japan. I don't want to eat anything other than that beef. I became a vegetarian gracefully. 


I'm in the midst of a chaotic divorce trial, but to use my highly developed intellectual power to define a 12-year marriage in closing arguments with neatness and perfection, I am now learning the art of silence in order to use high contrast in its definition. This is advice from one of my bosses, who ceased a large demonstration within his company in Thailand during an anti-Japanese demonstration period. Ironically, this is another tactic that Daniel is good at.






The art of silence. Silence is golden. I practised it today in my first meeting with a lawyer. I also used it last Tuesday in a conversation with my ex-husband who called me for the first time in a month. I must exercise discipline. So I listened in silence to the interpreter who had divorced three times and proudly talked about his fourth marriage and graciously affirmed the marriage system. 


The more you master this secret, the more you will be amazed at the greatness of its power. In a nutshell, it's a tactic that can retreat soldiers who are good at reacting and send soldiers who act correctly to the front line. If you stop the reaction, there is no room for any human drama. I let my emotions sleep and I'm not even ready to play emotional Yo-Yo, so I naturally beat a retreat from the front line. Then my five senses begin to take charge of the situation. With my mouth closed, the feeling of having positive constructive daydreaming comes to mind. This state produces gold.

Dedicated to Satchidananda

Inspired by Daniel and Musashi Miyamoto

​Edited by Ross Mclelland

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