帰り道小雨がぱらついていた。薄いグレーというか、ほぼ白に限りなく近い春物のウォータープルーフの上着のパーカーを頭に被せたことを最後に覚えているからだ。自然の白と人工の白の境界の色であり、この色は私の空虚な心を洪水のように浸食していく。私の通訳が最後に言った言葉について考えていた。チェコの法律において養育権は3種類ある。 1つ目は独占的な養育権であり、2つ目は両方が平等に持つもの。私が主張しているものだ。そして3つ目は、子どもの意志や成長段階に応じて、随時どちらの親と住みたいのかを決めていくというものだ。それを聞いた時、私は現実に引き戻された直後で、足元の地面を感じられない一種の浮遊状態にあった。3番目の選択肢は、新しい可能性のように聞こえたが、それでも娘の意向を尊重するということには変わらない。さすが、離婚歴3回の私の上司だ。助け舟を出してくれたのだろうか?しかし、私はもう微かな可能性を探求するのを止めた。それは大海の一滴のような可能性である。今しなければならないことは、娘が私を強く嫌う過酷な現実に立ち向かうことである。私の感情はひどく傷つけられていたが、すべてを理解した。幸いなことに、私はまだ疲れているわけでもなかった。まだ10時45分だった。大切な娘の決断を受け入れるのにまだ十分な時間がある。私は現実の世界に引き戻されたが、地面を感じることができず、途方に暮れていた。私はとぼとぼとぎこちなく歩いていた。
It was raining kittens and puppies on the way home. The last thing I remember was pulling up a detached hood of my spring waterproof grey jacket that was as close to white as possible. It is on the colour of a boundary between natural and artificial white colour and this colour flooded my empty mind. I was thinking about the last word my interpreter mentioned. There were three types of child support under Czech law. One was exclusive custody, and the second was mutual, which I was claiming. And the third was to decide which parent a child wanted to live with at any time according to their child's will and growing stages. I had just heard them after pulling me back to reality and I was in a sort of floating state. I didn’t feel the ground under my feet. The third option sounds like a new possibility, but it still depends on my daughter's intentions. As expected of a man with the great experience of divorcing three times, might he put in a word to help me out? However, I stopped exploring the faint new possibility. It was just a drop in the ocean. Let’s face reality, a harsh reality in which my daughter dislikes me intensely. I was cut to the bone, however, I put two and two together. Luckily I was not tired yet. It's still10:45. I had plenty of time to come to terms with my precious daughter’s decision. It would be a bitter pill to swallow. But I was all at sea without feeling the ground since I was brought back to the real world. I walked awkwardly, like plodding through the mud.
家に着いたら、11時だった。帰宅するのに通常の5分ではなく15分もかかったことになる。喧騒の中で暮らす早足の女性としては、あまりにもゆっくりと歩いたことになる。私はかなりのショックを受けていることになるが、それでも私は落ち込んでも、恐怖の中に身を置いているわけでもなかった。私はただ、この世界にたった一人で存在していることを実感しているだけだ。 ひとりぼっち以外のことを考えていた記憶はほとんどない。幸いなことに、私の上司は、主要な自動車メーカーである顧客からの注文がないので、今週生産停止を決定していた。目の前には広大な時間がある。妹のバラからレッスンの日程変更のメッセージが届いた。それで私は彼女に簡単な概要を送る。彼女は私に何も尋ねず、その代わりに彼女は私のためにオラクルカードを引いてくれた。彼女と私は、驚くほどに、間が合う。五輪書に書いてある最高の間を共有しているのだ。さらに、彼女のおかげで、私は爪先で流れるスピリチュアルな世界に流れる川に、そっと触れることができた。そこは、急進的で挑戦的な領域で、私の内なるの力を目覚ませるあらゆる手がかりを探求することができる。もしかして、これは、指輪の能力を習得することと関係があるのではないだろうか?
When I got home, it was 11 o'clock. As a result, it had taken 15 minutes to get back home instead of 5 minutes. I walked far too slow for a woman who lives in the hustle and bustle. It was proved that my senses were reeling in shock, yet I was neither under the weather nor was it in/through fear. I just took as read that I was really alone in this world. There was barely a memory for me to have thought of ALONE. Fortunately, my boss had decided to stop production this week due to a lack of orders from clients who are major car manufacturers. I have ample time in front of me. My sister Bara sent me a message about the change of the date for the lesson. So I gave her a brief overview. She didn’t ask me much, instead, she pulled an oracle card for me. Surprisingly enough, the timing was always in sync between us. Moreover, she is one of a few friends who encouraged me to dip my toes into the flowing waters of the spiritual world, where I can crave a connection with arousing every part of my native power in the new, radical and challenging territory. It came to my mind to find a clue to master the Ring’s capabilities.
This summer, she took me into undiscovered worlds of mystery and magic and led me into the mesmerising wild forests. There, she challenged me to plunge into a swamp in nature in the full moonlight and to lie together on the green grass under the expansive sacred sky soaking in the starry night.
Having had fresh and brisk conversations the next morning, looking at a tangerine sunrise,
a flash of pure joy and spontaneous laughter made me start to wonder if I was still living on the same planet that I was born on. This sense is the closest approach to a sense of survival which I am aware of with a radically-new flavour and scent when I drink tea in our tea party hosted by September Czech, Honza. It is fabulous. She brought more light to my world slowly, gently but surely like the moon, whereas, I streaked a light on her quickly, strongly and steadily like the sun. We shared ideas as well as feelings on an equal footing while staring at each other’s eyes and seeing a tranquillity, a timelessness of nature sacred to awakening people like us.
彼女と初めてあったのは、8年前だ。彼女は中学3年生だったと思う。3年の育児休暇が空けてから、再就職活動を始めていた矢先、運よく私の元に飛んできた生徒だった。妊娠する前は、日本企業で経営コーチ資格のあるシニアスペシャリストとして働いていた。当時、私はコーチングの手法を使って、心理学者とともに、チェコ人マネージャーを評価するという大きなプロジェクトを担当していた。両方選択することはできなかったので、決心して3年間フルタイムで母親になることにした。残念ながら、私はリーマンショック中に外国人という理由で、2年後に解雇された。外国人女性が、海外で働くことは容易ではない。ほとんどの場合、私たちはどちらかというと不当な扱いを受ける。しかし、不可能ではない。私は24歳の時から一人で海外で働き、地元で仕事を見つけた。人生にはいい時もあれば悪い時もある。一言で言えば、すべてが素晴らしい経験だ。魔法の様な秘訣はないが、私はBaraに人生に対する私の態度をみせるようにした。まず、自分と対話し、自分らしくあることを大切にする。それまでは、歯を食いしばっても、逃げないで。 第二に、チャンスが訪れたら、恐れず即興で対応する。あまり考えず、呑気に構えて、その状況を楽しむ。最後に、歩き続けること。そうすれば経験を積むのに十分なところまで進める。その中でも、彼女との8年間の経験は、群を抜いている。
I first met her about eight years ago. I think she was in the ninth year of primary school. She was lucky enough to fly to me as I began to look for a job after three years of maternity leave. Before I became pregnant, I had worked for a Japanese company as a senior specialist. At that time I had a big project to evaluate Czech managers with a psychologist using a coaching technique. I could not have it both ways, so I jumped at the opportunity to be a full-time mother for three years. Unfortunately, I was unfairly dismissed two years later because I was a foreigner during the Lehman shock. As a foreign woman, working abroad was not easy. Some men might argue that women, especially pretty women, could get the perks. But most of the time we have rather below the belt. But it's possible. I have been working abroad by myself since I was 24 years old and I found a job locally. Life is all the highs and lows. In a nutshell, they are all wonderful experiences. There is no magic ingredient, but I showed Bara my attitude about life. First, talk to yourself and value being yourself till then grit your teeth, don’t run away. Second, at the earliest opportunity, play it by ear, don’t think so much. Take the rough with the smooth. Enjoy the process. Lastly, keep walking and you can get far enough to pile up experience. However, these eight years of experience with her are second to none.
There are two main reasons. One is that I had the experience of raising my daughter. This opportunity gave me wonderful lessons patience, which I've been putting off because I've refused to make detours. I always had many irons in the fire and would pick a shortcut without hesitation. While witnessing her growth and her growth of a sense of independence, I had blazed a new trail in coaching rather than teaching. Because it can bear wonderful fruit. Moreover, you can learn from each other while having fun. This is exactly the coaching technique I learned. I immediately introduced it to her lessons.
私たちは本当に色々なことを話した。彼女は、控えめだが、自分の興味に忠実だった。日本のアニメが大好きだったので、アニメの主題歌とか、 アニメのキャラクターの話などをしながら、文法を体系的に少しづつ導入した。その代わりに、私は私の経験を彼女が必要としている時に、おもしろ可笑しく話して聞かせた。それが、二つ目の理由である。相互に情報を交換し、お互いを尊重し、自然に信頼関係を生み出す。そして、笑い。言語習得に笑いは不可欠だ。私は、いつも会話で笑いとオチをつけるように心掛けている。笑いが起こると私の想像力はたくさんの蝶が生まれる。その蝶達は、会話の中で生まれた文法上の間違い、その時に感じた恥ずかしさ、伝わらないもどかしさとどうして私はうまくしゃべれないんだろうという自己卑下が大好物なのだ。否定的な感情を捕まえ、飛んでいってしまう。楽しいレッスンでは、何千もの蝶々達がひらひらと飛び回る。色鮮やかな蝶々達が彼らの好物をもらって飛び去った後、私はいつも素晴らしくすっきりとした気持ちになる。まるで、居心地のいい空間にずっといた様な和やかの気分の私がそこにいる。
We talked about various things. She was modest but loyal to pursuing her interest, which is Japanese anime. I systematically introduced her grammar tips little by little. She told me about anime, and we translated songs and analyzed anime characters. Unbelievably, I increased my knowledge about anime and teenagers which were very useful now. In return, I told her my experiences with fun when she needed them. That is the second reason. We exchanged information with each other, respected each other, and naturally created relationships with trust. And laughed. Laughter is essential for language acquisition. I always try to make her laugh and add punch lines to our conversation. I must keep her on her toes. These could break the ice too. When laughter occurs, my imagination gives birth to many butterflies. The butterflies love to eat the grammatical mistakes made in the conversation, the embarrassment they felt at the time, the frustration they didn't express their thought and feelings, and the self-deprecation of why I couldn't speak well. They catch negative emotions and fly away. Thousands of butterflies flutter around in a fun lesson. After the colourful butterflies fly away with their favourite food, I always feel wonderfully refreshed and I feel as if I am in a cosy room. On top of all that she gave me a wonderful gift which is a genuine compliment. This is a warm cup of tea in cold winter. I had just jogged on the field of snow and I came back inside and sat at a nearby fireplace holding the cup with both hands. I sip it with cold lips and the warm tea makes my whole body sparkle instantly. She said that she felt like doing anything through our lessons.
Bara was prominent in independence and inquisitiveness, with a distinctive and artistic talent. We grew together. We even went to Tokyo for 3 weeks together 3 years ago. The experience of walking with her and my daughter where I was born and raised is like a small orange flower that blooms brightly in my memory in a green bush. It is always in my heart. Her nickname is Moth. She has a cool tattoo on her wrist. A moth occasionally comes to my heart where the orange flowers bloom. She has feathers, is sensitive to light, and flies toward the light.
She is sincere, authentic, vulnerable and strong and she walked fearlessly into the unknown nature barefoot. She must be the one who has the strongest roots on the ground. My intuition rang ting-a-ling in my mind. I could find a way to step my feet on the ground with her. Moreover, my ting-a-ling feeling was telling me that I could overcome my LONELINESS by pursuing happiness and joy, Like a moth flying, finding a faint light in loneliness. Then I could grow my inner power and master the Ring’s capabilities in order to remove my ring. I started reading the oracle card she sent.
3 ゆっくりと、しかし確実に。
今は何も急がないでください。 私たちのタイミングが神のそれと一致しないことがよくあります!
あなたが人生の出来事、人生関係またはプロジェクトを加速しようとするとき、あなたは完璧な結果に貢献することができる必要な経験または発芽を促すために迂回しているからです。 あなたがこの状況にいる場合、どこにいようと、あなたが今正しい場所にいることを忘れないでください。 もしその場所があなたを不安にさせるなら、素晴らしい。 なぜなら、あなたは今、その本質を見ながら、なぜだろうと思う機会があるからです。 あなたが、あなたが望むように速く、あなたの目標を前進させようとしようとしていることに失敗したときに生じる恐れは何ですか? 起こりうる最悪の事態は何ですか? そして、何が最高ですか? 最悪と最高の単語を削除し、判断せずに自分のペースで物事を地を這うよに進ませたらどうなるでしょうか?
3 Slowly but surely.
Don't rush anything now. it often happens that our timing does not coincide with the divine!
It means that you must bide your time.
When you try to accelerate a life event, relationship or project, you are bypassing the necessary experience or learning that can contribute to a perfect outcome. Remember that wherever you are in this situation, you are in the right place. If it makes you anxious. Great. You now have the opportunity to look inside and wonder why. What is the fear that arises when you fail to move forward with your goal as fast as you would like? What's the worst that could happen? And what's the best? What if you removed the words worst and best and just let things crawl at your own pace without judging?
彼女が私のために引いてくれたオラクルカードには、家族から、物理的 にも精神的にも離れた今の立場が正しい位置であるというのだ。すごい。で、次は何?そして、今やることはその本質をみること。どうやって?注意深く、質問を読む。課題は難しそうだ。なぜなら、私が普段していること反対のことするからだ。極め付けは最後の課題だ。まるで私がいつもやっていることの反対をやるということだ。最悪と最高という単語は私にとって日常単語である。それらを使わずに一日を過ごせると思えないし、判断せずに物事を進められるとも思えない。そして、最後が極め付けだ。地を這うように進む。そんなこと今の私にできるわけがない。地に足もついていないのに。私が直面している広大さをどのように理解し始めることができるのだろうか?途方にくれることもできないほど、私の心は無だった。窓を見ると、満月だった。
The oracle card she picked for me says that my current position, even physically and mentally separated from my family, is the right position. It is great! Then, what's next?/What has become of next? And what I have to do now is to see the essence of it. How? I carefully read the questions on it. The tasks are very difficult. It seems like doing the opposite of what I always do. The words of worst and best are every day’s vocabulary for me. I don't think I could spend the day without using them, nor go through anything without judgment. I am rather jugemental. Moreover, the last one is the ultimate. I must proceed as if crawling on the ground slowly. I can't do that now. I don't even step a foot on the ground and was up in the air. How can I begin to make sense of the sheer range with which I am confronted? My heart was so empty and I was not hungry that I couldn't bite off more than I could chew.
Dedicated to Bara with a lord of love
Edited by Ross