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ことの始まりは、つまり、自分の闇を発見したのは2週間前だった。1週間の夏休みの後、勿論、10数年ぶりに一人で過ごした。帰り道、ハンドルを握りながら、照り付ける太陽の熱を腕で感じていた。突然、恐れが引いたのだ。その瞬間、欲求を行動に移せるあの感覚が戻ってきた。この感覚を最後に感じた時すら、覚えていない。This long-lost反動の存在を心に意識した。夫と友達関係を築いてもいいと。娘に会うために、あの家を訪れてもよいと。虎穴に入らずんば虎子を得ず、フロントガラス越しに前方の車のナンバープレートを見ながら、呟いた。1111だった。











My Shadow

I'm on the cusp of a massive shift in my life. No, to be precise, I was standing there on that full moon night. When I was kicked out of my flat by my husband, that full moon spurred me to plunge over the cliff, where I could not deny my pain in an unhealthy relationship. And now I landed in the middle of nowhere, but it was dark. Of course, I didn’t have anything in my hand, but my royal dog, Inca. Darkness is my inner shadow within me. I am facing it, or I am in it. At this period of the game called a divorce, I am trying to make complete sense with myself which is becoming a spineless female individual. Of course, it is a sort of mundane act. The blue sky is covered by grey clouds every day, and the moon does not arouse any interest to say hello, as if in tune with me. Those bring a volatile mood to me in this period of restlessness. I've even been worried that I might be suffering from manic-depressive illness. In a nice little twist, I can tick out half of its symptoms. Do conventional people call this suffering?


It all started two weeks ago when I discovered my darkness. After a week of summer vacation, of course, I spent the first time in more than 10 years alone, but with my dog Inca.  On my way home, I felt the heat of the passionate shining sun on my arms while holding the steering wheel. Suddenly, I discerned that my intangible fear had ebbed away. At that moment, that feeling of being able to translate desires into action came back. I don't even remember the last time I felt this way. I was conscious of the existence of this long-lost repercussion, which is that I may form a friendship with my husband, even though I may visit the flat to see my daughter, who is punishing me by refusing me. This is like nothing ventured, nothing gained. I muttered while looking at the license plate of the car in front of the windshield. It was 1111.


Four days later, I was to have a meeting to discuss custody, which is the first stage of divorce. I was going to be interviewed by an expert on child rights in divorce, called a mediator. On that day, I had an interview with a senior gentleman who seemed to be trustworthy. I could have spoken Czech, but I decided to use an interpreter for all divorce negotiations. He was one of my bosses who has divorced three times and must be unflappable. I trust him. This meeting scared me about as much as sparrows frighten eagles, or rabbits frighten a greyhound, my dog Inca. I contacted all my trustworthy friends to understand my husband's thinking patterns. Statements regarding fears from real men are less than the horrible things imaginable. I asked two questions. First, how will you negotiate with an arrogant person? Second, how does the male brain work under increasing pressure? 


A creature called a man is still up in the air. It is a different race, who lives in the area behind our border, which, of all people, their language and attitudes are all Greek to me. However, I tried to hear about their thoughts through the grapevine during my marriage. So, I experimented with the information and observed results, formulated hypotheses, and I was deriving who they are while the divorce happened. I put two and two together. I never understand them. However, my effort through this divorce opera yielded an unexpected by-product. It was that I was able to observe the reaction of my male friends to whom I consulted about my divorce. They showed their true colours so that I was able to make some hypotheses based on them.


One is that they don't think as deeply as they say. The second is quite emotional. The switch that makes them emotional is easy to understand. However, the way of expressing emotions is different from mine. The third is that they have their heart in their mouth about the fear that comes from far beyond their imagination. In other words, they are afraid of being influenced by external elements, whilst they tend to control others. In contrast, they are fascinated with new and interesting things. Taking those hypotheses into consideration, there are plenty of dilemmas or contradictions in their head, which unhealthily kills their emotions so that they create poker faces instead, they don't express their emotions. 

Divorce consumes energy physically and mentally. It shakes me up so much that I hardly know who I am anymore. Looking into my weary eyes, I said that I must take responsibility for myself making this decision. I chose to step into the moor of freedom, where only spiritual fires can be blazing, I must accept that I need a certain level of danger and risk in order to grow.


It was as clear as day that something more destructive than a divorce would come if we were still living together in unhealthy daily life on that day in that full moon night. Discomfort always swells if it is left alone. I admitted that I was good at making the decision to divorce and praised my efforts. As a result, I was calm.

Edited by Ross McLelland

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