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朝、7時17分。電話がなった。私はベッドの中だった。ダニエルからだった。今日は休みだ。できれば、インカの散歩以外で一歩も家から出たくない。電話に取る気分ではなかったので、出ようか迷ったが、決心して電話をとった。寝起きでしかも無心の私の顔を見せるわけにはいかない。犬のインカの顔を写した。そうしなければ、彼は間違い電話をかけたと思うだろう。彼はインカが大好きなので、失礼には値しないだろう。すぐに昨日の面談の結果を聞いてきた。私は最悪の結果だったと短く答えた。Oh my God! 目が覚めてからたった3分後、既に最悪という言葉を使ってしまったではないか?『娘さんはご主人と住むと言ったんですか?』と彼は続けて質問した。彼の侍精神が私の肉を切った。私は、人生最悪の日の翌日朝7時20分に肉を刀で切られた。痛い、また最悪という言葉を使ってしまった。「同義語!Yuko、頭を使いなさい」私の英語の先生、ロスが私の頭の中で叫んだ。はい、そうします。でももう遅い、ロス。私が既に回り道をしていることは確実だ。私は東京生まれの東京育ち。喧騒の中を早足で歩き、近道をするのは当たり前だ。たとえ、指輪物語の世界にいても、馬よりも竜に乗るだろう。髪の毛が竜の炎で焼ける危険は想定内だ。オラクルカードにからかわれているのだろうか?回り道をしていることは確実だった。私はまさに目覚めたばかり、感情という衣もまとっていないし、それは私のクローゼットの中で熟睡しているだろう。ベッドとクローゼットの距離はゆうに3mはある。私の意思で取りに行かない限り、それが私の元へやってくることはない。しかし、沈黙術のことはすっかり頭から消えていた。油断した。突然、感情が湧き出てきた。私はうかつにも泣き崩れた。何がその時、私の口から漏れたのか、全く記憶にない。結婚生活の全ての思い出は昨日何千もの象の下敷きになった。希望も未練も全て。これ以上何に対して泣き崩れる必要があるのだろうか?万に一つもあるとすれば、今までひた隠しにしてきた私の弱さだ。こんなものを人前で、しかもダニエルに、さらけ出したのだろうか?私の懐疑的な態度は、そのような無邪気さが私に存在するとは信じてはいない。仮に私の弱点が浮き彫りになったとしたら、その理由は何だろうか?これこそまさに、昨日のオラクルカードの最初の質問ではないだろうか?『私が望むように、そして速く離婚を成立させるさせることに失敗した時に生じる恐れは、何ですか?』カード尋ねた。それは、心奥底に潜む私の敏感な場所をさらけ出すことだ。同時にそんなものが私に存在していると認めることにも他ならない。そして考えられうる最悪の事態は、その弱さを見せたことによって、彼が私に対してなんらかの判断を下されるというを意味する。その彼の判断は、私が望んでいるそれとはかけ離れている可能性が高い。一度も経験したことがないので、推測だが。今、まさに私がしてしまったことだ。私がその事実を受け入れるやいなや、ダニエルは、宮本武蔵のように、私の骨をたった。瞬く間に、私の弱さは骨と共に砕かれ、緋色の血が流れ出た。私にできることは、ベッドに染み込んでいく赤い血の方向を肉眼で追うことだけ。彼は私の弱点をひざまずかせた。

At 7:17 in the morning, I got a phone call. I was in bed. It was from Daniel. It's a holiday today. If possible, I don't want to step out from home other than for a walk with Inca. I was hardly in the mood to pick it up. But I made up my mind and I did. Remaining in trouble to show my face, my mobile showed my dog, Inca’s face. Unless I did so, he might have thought that he made the wrong number. Anyway, he liked Inca so it would not cause bad manners. He immediately asked about the results of yesterday's interview. I briefly replied that I had the worst result. Oh my God! Haven't I already used the word "worst" for three minutes since I woke up? "Did your daughter say that she wanted to live with your husband? '' he asked. His samurai spirit cut my flesh. I had been cut with a sword at 7:20 a.m. the day just after the worst day of my life. Ouch...second time I've used the word "worst". “Synonyms! Yuko, use your brain!” My English teacher, Ross, suggested it to me in my head. Yes, I will. But too late, Ross. It was certain that I was making a detour. I liked walking fast and taking a shortcut as a woman who was born and raised in Tokyo, where people are accustomed to living in the hustle and bustle. Even in the world of Lord of the Rings, I prefer to ride on a dragon to a horse. I would take the risk of burning my hair by its fire. It was a calculated risk. The oracle card must be pulling my leg. I had just woken up, so I was not wearing any emotions on my sleeve, which should still sleep like a log in my small closet. The distance between the bed and the closet is at least 3m. It would not come to me unless I went to pick it up. However, the art of silence was completely gone from my head. I was completely off guard. Suddenly, emotions arose so that I carelessly slumped into the bed, crying. I have no memory of what leaked from my mouth since then. All the memories of my marriage should have been laid under the thousands of elephants yesterday. I left to hope and regret there too. What else more do I need to cry for? If there is a ghost of a chance to do so, it must be my vulnerability that I've been hiding since I was born. Did I expose such a naive part in front of other people, even to Daniel? A skeptical attitude of mine didn't believe such an ingenuousness existed in me. If my weaknesses come to the fore, what was the reason? Wasn't this exactly the first question from yesterday's Oracle card? What are the fears that arise when I fail to complete a divorce as quickly and as much I wish? It was about showing people my sensitive spot that lies deep inside. It was nothing more than admitting that it exists to me. And the worst thing is that its weakness allows him to judge me. The judgement surely was far from what I wanted, however, I was wet behind the ears, so it was in the field of conjecture. The fact is that it was exactly what I've done right now. As soon as I accepted the fact, Daniel, as Samurai Musashi Miyamoto, struck my bones. My nerve spilt out with bones in the blink of an eye and the scarlet blood spilt. All I could do was follow the direction of the red blood soaking into my bed with my naked eyes. He brought my weakness to its knees.





Daniel was lending me an ear silently. The fact I barely remembered his questions bore me out on it. Moreover, he is a master of the art of silence which can make other people speak spontaneously like the flow of a river, as my respectful boss said. Even such a master of silence had shown a heavy negative feeling only once. When he had revealed that he had barely shared his opinions nor his inner self to other people since he was a child. His expression on his face was distorted, as he swallowed the sure cure for the blues. His feelings at that time were heavy like lead and dark in a colour I had never seen before. It was like an abstract acrylic painting that was painted over and over again, therefore, it was faded and repainted in places, with strong and darker colours of graduations. In addition, it was randomly scraped off with putty and the bottom of the canvas could be seen. The background had a vivid bright colour with patterns, and it could be inferred that some kind of shapes were drawn on it. This style rang the bell. I saw similar paintings in Hong Kong. Those are artworks by a painter called Limu. I met him once at his solo exhibition while working at the art gallery on the ground floor of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel. He came from mainland China and had a pure heart. Although he painted abstract paintings in the style of Impressionism, his heart was filled with passion decorated with assertive and darker colours which were visible and hidden here and there. I wondered if I could see his paintings again many times after I left Hong Kong, and now I saw it in Daniel’s mind.


Speaking of Hong Kong, I happened to talk about it in the first lesson with Daniel. He started talking about temples in Hong Kong or Macau. I thought it would be better to talk while looking at a picture, so I googled. By chance, a photo plunged into my eyes. It was the photo on a website I clicked and there was a famous temple in Hong Kong and a skyscraper covered by dark pink tiles was reflected in the background of the temple. It was the building I used to live in. It's on the street called Seihon-gai which means a square street. I didn't think it was such a famous temple, but luckily enough I came across it on the first try. Just looking at it for a moment made my heart pump faster. I could hear the sound of my heart in my ears. On the 24th floor of this building, I had been crying while calling my mother like I was now. As soon as I was up against my unusual heartbeats, my PC suddenly froze and his internet connection had bad reception. I noticed my finger stretching to the start button was trembling. Suddenly, I felt like smelling the incense sticks of that temple and my mind was back at that time.













One sweltering day, during a short break after a four-hour shift working in a French crepe shop called "’ Rendezvous’" in Hong Kong, I was rambling down a path in the SOHO area. Having completed an intensive language course at Xiamen University in Mainland China, I searched for a proper job to challenge the boundless expanse of the world while I was working part-time to pay the bill. I had lost my first job at the gallery due to poor sales performance a few weeks before. I was young and poor, only curiosity was the fuel of my days. 


Hong Kong is the ultimate Asian city; it is small enough, however, it is vibrant, brash, socially unequal, and distinctly cosmopolitan. From my perspective, mere words can't describe these highly contrasted tinted hues showering the imposing sunshine, where you have a guarantee to find something breathtaking around every corner. However, running out of money and time to the expiry date of my tourist visa put me in deep water. I wanted to take any port in a storm, so I tried a temple.


Scarcely breathing, I entered the scarlet red, Chinese temple just nearby covered with pungent incense smoke, I approached the Buddha in a dwell of anxiety. I knelt down and prayed for rising to the occasion by burning incense sticks. While praying for my prominent future, incense smoke was floating in the atmosphere and sat in my nose. This is the cat's pyjamas to erase the overwhelming sweetness, all of a sudden after working in a clammy kitchen of Rendezvous, which had started annoying me. I felt better after it, so it became my new habit.


Unfortunately, the situation regarding the expiry date of my visa went from bad to worse. I couldn't get a job at the final interview, which was highly likely the last chance. The reason I was given was that I was overqualified. It didn't sound so bad, but in nine out of ten, I acted like an ambitious cow. The word from Okakura was repeating in my head, “Instead of showing off, it's a hint, and this is the secret of infinite things.” I might have been showing off since then. The reason for getting sacked at the gallery a few weeks before was more destructive. The gallery had already applied for my working visa and I started enjoying life in Hong Kong and I fell in love with a French man called Luis. I was on cloud nine. 


The gallery at that time was looking for pictures that would sell, and if they couldn't find them, they would have artists paint such artworks that would sell. Most of the artworks they picked were in realistic representation emphasizing skill rather than fresh and original talent. The artists often picked models of beautiful innocent Chinese girls. Then, we as sales staff sold the artwork to rich people who made a fortune mostly in finance at a high-class gallery. I met some talented artists, one of them was Li Mu, but their artworks were not expensive, therefore, we were instructed to sell expensive ones. Looking at portraits in realistic representation, I suddenly remembered the National Museum of Western Art in Ueno, Tokyo, where I visited every weekend with my mother when I was small. There was a section of portraits of noble people from Europe and a lot of Japanese people were viewing them disinterestedly. As a child, I simply wondered why they looked at the beautifully dressed Western medieval aristocrats who lived a life far from theirs, timely, geographically, economically and culturally. While observing their faces, I could see the hollow darkness in their hearts like my mother had and felt their confusion like suffering from digestive trouble. Their confusion caused pain and the pain brought fear to them. I understood the result of encountering two completely different things, people or cultures. Whereas I could not feel the confusion, but empathy for the people in the portraits. I could experience various emotions and feelings in museums. From a very young age, I was fond of museums and galleries. I was pleased to find a job in an art gallery, therefore, I started reading a book about artistic theory by Tenshin Okakura, who was an art critic and a curator of the oriental art division of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts.


The same thing started in my mind when I was selling artworks at this gallery. What was the reason why westerners, who have become rich in the financial field, stared at the eyes of a beautiful but simple Chinese girl at home every day? My thoughts were shaking from side to side, extremely incoherent. Moreover, Tenshin Okakura poured salt into the wound. He said n the book that “Art is only really understood when it fits into the life of that era.” and “Contemporary artists are so drowned in a technique that artists rarely surpass themselves.” Had I been overeager enough to give the game away about the gallery or an art industry? Hold your horses, Yuko. Wait until your visa status is secure. As a result, I couldn't persuade them to buy a painting. Because of my lack of sales pitch, I could say my reasoning was back and forth, intertwined and flawed. After all, I couldn’t reach my sales target, in addition, I threw down the gauntlet to the owner of the gallery, which was my boss, to match me for this feeling. or I tried to explain this feeling to the owner of the gallery. Of course, I got fired - I as good as dug my own grave.


Then now, I failed the final interview which seemed like the last chance. The fear of the last day when I turned tail to return to Japan was just around the corner. I had missed the previous corner. I could jump for joy to start a new life in Hong Kong. The shadow of fear had fallen into my relationship with my boyfriend. In my heart, spicy ego, sweet romance and sour jobless were mixed up in my mind and I stewed in my own juice. I was in a state. My ego vanity cooked my goose. Two days before the deadline, my stomach called for help from my mother at 4 am. Once I heard my mother’s voice, I cried over spilt milk. She was listening silently. I didn’t remember what I said to her. This was the last time when my weakness came out of its shell.






I remember Daniel telling me to open the blinds. When I opened them, the dazzling light struck my eyes. I opened up all three blinds while talking to him. I was nothing more than a faint swaying shadow in the world of Lord of the Rings, now I could be identifiable in the brightest sunlight. I opened the window too in order to breathe fresh air. There were neither clouds nor a blue sky. The colour of the sky was like the background of a photo studio, a boundary between natural and artificial white which had flooded my empty mind since yesterday. The sky was growing and dazzling. 


As the sun rises again like music keeps carrying on, it helps me to wake up from a nightmare in the morning. I put the phone on the edge of the window. My weakness, which came out of its shell, which just emerged from hibernation, already had the will to speak up. I have no choice but to listen to my ingenuousness without the ring and the ground to step on. "I was no longer a mother. I was totally disliked by my daughter. I was totally alone in the world. I could not find the meaning to live. But I love her.” Tears flowed. While listening to my vulnerability, I started wondering the reason why my daughter dislikes me. I raised her freely. I didn't force her to do anything unless she was interested. I set my mother as a teacher by negative example. My daughter has loved drawing since she was small. She always drew me. By her, with the pretty magical little hand, I was a round shape like the sun, with small limbs added directly from it. Or I was an abstract object like a sunflower. On the other hand, my husband was depicted as a cat, Tinky in our family drawing. For me, the sun was her to give me enormous joy in my life. She ruled over me in happiness. But yesterday I lost the sun and lived in a dark bottomless swamp. 

How could I find the light again? While I was looking at the sky, my vulnerability continued to speak. "Mothers love their children unconditionally. You said your mother didn’t care about you, but that's wrong. She did care about you, the same as I love my daughter.” I remembered the conversation he implied such things, how come my vulnerability knew such things? I just hoped that my weakness would neither expose my nor his secrets nor make a scene, in order to show its true colours. My weakness began to stretch out.









Silence may mean accepting the other person sincerely. Suddenly, the conversation I had three months ago on the balcony with him crossed my mind. It was just before I kicked my husband out first and started our separation. I had the misfortune of the appliances I touched being on the blink. The moment I pressed the start button on the washing machine, it became out of order. It's an LG wine red washing machine that we bought with the birth of our daughter. Furthermore, just before the lesson with him, the moment I plugged the charger into a powerpoint, all the electricity in the house went down. I tried raising the breaker, but there is no chance to get electricity back in the living room. I was scared of something. Something is strange. Was this an omen? I had no choice but to take my mobile phone and sit on the balcony to take a lesson with him. As I was under the blue sky listening to the birds singing, I gradually calmed down. Our conversation was able to stretch out our limbs. I talked about the fear of losing everything in exchange for a divorce. I know my husband's personality and his abilities. I was worried if I could get around well. My weakness argued that it was tatemae in Japanese, which might be a musk or persona in English, and I was just afraid of change. It started leading to my thoughts.  


Daniel asked, "What do you want?". His questions were always straightforward. I thought for a while. I replied that I wanted wings that could fly freely again. He was a skateboarder. He talked about his feelings when jumping high on the board. He was scared of failing and hurt when he fell. But he decided to jump because he would regret it if he didn’t. It was an extremely direct example visually and logically, so that I could put regrets and security, freedom and risks on a balance. Starting to imagine the impact of landing, suddenly, the formula of the fall speed and impact that I learnt in physics came to my mind. Ironically, my husband is a genius in physics. When he tried bungee jumping with his friend, he calculated all the strength, height and speed of the rope and determined whether they could do it. Then, finally they jumped from the bridge over the highway. While observing all the processes, I thought he was a talent. I really wanted him to recover and stand with his legs. Honestly I told Daniel that I wanted to divorce in order to get him back to his right mind. I intuitively felt that he stopped working and started drinking alcohol because I was with him. This theory was rather crazy but it was proved by Tenshin Okakura in the interview with the mediator yesterday. It's the secret of infinite things. I said to Daniel, "I think my husband wouldn't be able to recover for the rest of his life if he was with me“. I remembered the words of my aunt, mother's sister in Japan who I was barely in touch with. When my brother abandoned my parents and disappeared from them with their savings, she said to me  "Because you can do anything better than him, that is why your brother, Koichi, is the type to easily become perverse." Now my weakness made an objection to my aunt strongly, “Who would do it if I didn't?” The sun was rising high in the dazzling grey sky.


"Of course, I remember all conversations I had with you," he said. I was brought back from Hong Kong to reality. My weakness immediately responded to the words. It felt like it found a beautiful flower in the field. My weakness now is a will to feel. Tears ran down my cheeks. Because my husband's memory was always renewed, as he even tried to forget what I said. Therefore, the causal relationship between my words and emotions was abundant and all it could do was to disappear like smoke. I looked at Daniel’s eyes for the first time. He would have seen my defenceless weakness since 7:17. It was the first time I had shown such a manner to others, except my mother. As he said so, he would remember all the conversations we had today, which I didn't remember, which was the conversation with my weaknesses, not me. 


"What are you going to do today?“ He asked. My weakness was looking up at the sky again. "I'm going to Prague to see paintings of the Slavic epic," it replied. I was terribly surprised at this answer because I wasn't on the ground, how could I go to Prague? "Do you drive a car?" He asked again. "Yes, I'm going by car," my weakness replied clearly. Wow, do I have to drive after producing a flood of tears? I would have preferred to take a nap, though. Regarding this series of paintings, I had tried to see Mucha's Slav epic with my daughter a few years ago. Ironically, the painting was rented to Japan. Daniel and I kept talking for a while and hung up.





I think it was around 9 pm. I sent him a message. There was a party at his flat organized by his flatmate, Ben tonight. "How is the party?" I wrote. Perhaps my weakness wanted to tell him that I had returned safely from Prague. He called me and showed the party on air. I chatted with Ben and his friends who were drunk. My vulnerability was full of beans and being able to have a surprisingly funny conversation with drunken men. After they left Daniel's room, he started talking about the new room he would move to tomorrow. He liked his cosy room, but he would miss Ben, whereas he would have two new flatmates. "Change makes people stronger," my weakness said. It really surprised me. Wow, was this unbearable change happening right now to strengthen me? Did my soft part want to grow stronger? I murmured the words on the Oracle card that Bara drew for me, "You now have the opportunity to capture the essence of this change. If you embody it as if you were crawling on the ground at your own pace without making a judgment, you will get the best results.” That result my weakness demanded. Now I put the pieces together.


Suddenly, a raven came to my mind. The raven named Tok Tok comes to the flat where he lives every morning. "Give my best regards to Tok Tok," my weakness said to him in amusement. He was lying on the couch, so my weakness began to tell the story. The story of Tok Tok, a raven who had a friend who was a human being. I surprisingly found my weakness glib. It reminds me of my sister Bara at a tea party a few days ago. She spoke brilliantly and confidently. My weakness was starting to feel confident. It asked for some suggestions from him occasionally. The raven, Tok Tok, took off from my head with his own wings. My imagination was steered by his inspirational answers and my vulnerability stepped on the gas pedal. There was no room for my judgment. It is similar to the technique of drifting during scuba diving. When the ocean current is fast, it is a technique to dive deeply while leaving myself to the current. In the fast-flowing Japanese sea, we often dived to about 20 meters with this technique. I felt this in the dark blue ocean. “That's right,” I knew this feeling. When my daughter was small, she always urged me to tell a story. It's a bedtime story before falling fast asleep in a dream. In the beginning, I tried to read a book, but my imagination could not keep just following its storyline. It got bored and started stretching out in my head and started drifting into deep water, which was our bed.






ベットに横になりながらカラスについて考えていた。そういえば、夏休みの後、バラが家に泊まりに来た時、IROHA TAROTというYOUTUBEチャンネルをたまたま見たことを思い出した。バラがよくスロバキア人のタロットチャンネルを見ていると言っていたので、日本語で一緒に見たら、勉強になると思ったからだ。八月十八日だったと思う。3択あって、バラが白鳥を選んで、私がカラスを選んだ。タロットを読んでくれるIROHAさんの声が心地よかった。その心地良い声がこう言ったのを思い出した。『カラスは神の使い』そして、『賢くあれ』と。点が繋がってきた。そう、私は賢く生きる。TOK TOKからのタップダンスの音が聞こえたような気がした。TOK TOK the Oracle Reader 私は、彼の話を書き始めた。

The story of our pets Inca the dog and Tinky the cat, the story of the wild blue heron we saw in the fields. Lying on the bed, we didn't need to decide where the story was going, we let it flow freely, and proceeded at our own pace. Moreover, lying down is quite close to crawling. That's it. I thought this was it. Suddenly, I heard the heartbeat of my weakness. Like when you have a bad headache, you really feel the beat of a headache in your skull. Tok Tok is now orbiting the sky looking for free food. The story, coloured by Daniel's ideas, is a little different from my cup of tea, rather realistic with a hardboiled taste. However, my weakness was pleased with this effect. Tok Tok was steered in a new direction bit by bit. Tok Tok's favourite was parmesan cheese. Urban ravens had a sophisticated taste. It is not very good for their liver. Then, let’s introduce a bird doctor. When my imagination rolled up its sleeve, “No, don't hurry.” The oracle card whispers to me. “Every living thing must have a job.” OK, his job is to tap dance and tell God’s message to humans. Oh yeah, slowly but steadily. The oracle card nodded. I reaffirmed my bond with my daughter. There was a bond, but I just could not have seen it. Yes, I had a brain-wave. Let's write stories I told my daughter in tandem with my strong imagination and boundless creativity. I could start from the Tok Tok story. Then, one day, the time will come when we could get along together. It was just a matter of time.


I could not breathe in reality alone. The last few years of my marriage with the rise of the coronavirus were just a harsh reality. That is not my way of life. Let's create a new life. At the end of summer when Daniel introduced me to Tok Tok, I found and picked up a black feather falling on the road while taking a walk with my dog Inca. When I sent him the picture of the feather, he wrote "I like the way you connect points to line altogether." I have a habit of putting small pieces together. Isn't this the wonderful inner power that was written in the Lord of the Rings? The abstract painting of my future that I saw in that park became a little clearer again. There was also the door at the bottom of my heart that I had never opened. And I can slightly see the purple bond with my daughter. At that precious moment, Daniel fell off the couch. My weakness smiled and we hung up.

Dedicated to Daniel with sincere gratitude

Inspired by IROHA 

Edited by my handsome, funny, intelligent, magnificent English teacher Ross

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